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Losing Lacquer


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I had this, not as bad mind. Was from a crap "smart" repair in the past. I had it resprayed in the end as the whole bumper had loads of stone chips anyway and I wanted a lip fitting and coding. Looks great, but shows up the bonnet now!


Worth dropping by and bodyshop or two and getting some advice or PM RT-Performance possibly. Good luck.

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Oh that looks bad. I'm assuming it's probably been resprayed in the past due to stonechips with cheap lacquer or not baked high/long enough.


Think your best bet is to take it somewhere local and have it sprayed. Don't know anywhere local to you unfortunately.

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If it looks like your going to have to pay for a respray why not have a go to repair it first, you've nothing to loose. I'm no expert but I would rub down the edges of the laquer with fine wet and dry. Any underlying paint work that' gets finely scratched during the process I'd polish that out using T cut. When it all looks normal again mask off where necessary and spray over the area with clear laquer.

Once that drys go over it again with T cut to remove any edges left by the masking off. If it works, job done if not you've got the respray to fall back on. As I said I'm no expert but that's how I'd tackle it.

However Id be concerned as to why the original laquer is flaking off in the first place. My bumper's pretty chipped and has been for a while but the laquers still holding up.


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