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Save Malory Park ePetition.


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No it won't, it closed for many reasons, a very big one being that the land owner wouldn't lower the rent. He also happens to be a property developer, so it's probably going to be turned into a housing development.


An agreement signed in the 80's was the other one, at the time it was a loose agreement, it's now a rigid one and they could only operate the track on Wednesdays, Sundays and 4 Saturdays a year, again, the council wouldn't adjust it so it's not going to be possible, no matter how lovely the idea might be :(


They got fined £24,000 for breach of the noise restrictions which was a big killer too.

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Yea Mallory Park is dead and to be honest surprised it lasted this long, but for many reasons as Dedman says it was going to happen


Maybe we could ask all 36,000 on that list to pay a fiver and that would cover the rent but i dont think that will happen

Edited by StevoD
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Mallory statement:


Whilst this is not body repair industry news, we know that many of our members are real motorsport fans:


It is with great regret that Mallory Park Motorsport Limited has today announced that the company has been put into Administration.


Mallory Park has been operating as a motorcycle and car race circuit for many years and has much history attaching to the circuit.

In 1985 a highly restrictive Noise Notice was attached to Mallory Park embracing all circuit activities but, significantly, a number of the provisions within the Notice were very much open to interpretation.


Mallory Park has enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council over the years and a level of understanding had been established to work within the 1985 Notice.


Regrettably, however, this arrangement was placed under scrutiny by local residents some of whom were new to the village, who made representations to the council to apply the rigid interpretation of the 1985 Notice.


Mallory Park and the local authority worked extremely hard with the residents to find a compromise solution but, unfortunately, the council decided to prosecute Mallory Park on five charges of the Notice during 2012 which involved operating on a Saturday over and above the four days agreed in the Notice.


The court hearing took place in August 2013 and ruled that Mallory Park was guilty of this breach on the five occasions, but Mallory Park was given the right to take the establishment rights of the 1985 Notice to a higher court.


The immediate implication of the Court decision was to oblige Mallory Park to observe the provision of the 1985 Notice, which allows only for 40 days racing on Sundays per annum (but with a dispensation to allow four Saturdays per annum) and testing on Wednesdays.


Mallory Park was accordingly obliged to cancel all track day operations, resulting in a significant loss of income (a situation also felt by local businesses and local employers) and use of the track for local community activities - young driver training etc.


Overall, the imposition of such restrictions has inevitably led to Mallory Park having a financially unstable business plan.


Following the Court case, Mallory Park immediately implemented the highly restrictive conditions of the 1985 Notice, thus effectively reducing the circuit activity to two days per week.


Significant losses were being incurred which no business can sustain.


It was clear that a more dynamic approach needed to be taken to overcome the significant hurdles and two weeks ago Mallory Park developed an innovative three stage Recovery Plan to take Mallory Park forwards - which would hopefully meets the wishes of the residents and form the basis of a viable business.


Very constructive dialogue was held with the Leader of the local council and senior officials and we were receiving very encouraging reactions from them to the Recovery Plan.


A fundamental component of the Recovery Plan was the agreement of the landowner to reduce the annual lease rental, which had risen by over 40% over the last eight years and had reached untenable levels.


Very regrettably, despite intense work by the Mallory Park board, the landowner, Titan Properties Ltd, refused to make a substantive offer to allow the Recovery Plan to proceed.


British Automobile Racing Club (BARC) were keen to support Mallory Park (and did so up to the final race meeting yesterday by paying for certain essential supplies allowing the meeting to place) and indeed would have supported Mallory Park to ensure all its trade creditors were paid.


To that end, it needed the support of the landowner with a sustainable rent but, regrettably, this was not possible to achieve.


Accordingly, having no firm visibility into 2014 and beyond, Mallory Park directors had no option but to place the company into Administration.


The administrator, Ian Robert of Kingston Smith & Partners LLP, commented:


"I will be working with all the stakeholders to ensure that Mallory Park will see racing again. I hope the administration process can assist in finding a solution which will be beneficial to all parties concerned.


"To that end, I will be negotiating with the landowner and the council, with the support of the BARC, to ensure that racing can be enjoyed at Mallory Park for years to come.


"Although it is early days, I am hopeful that, once a solution to the lease is found, all of the company's creditors should receive a substantial dividend, which I understand is very much the driving force behind the continued support of the BARC."

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Mallory resident statement - spot the differences :surrender:


Hi all I posted this in March this year to put the residents side forward - we have all taken a kicking from many of you out there so can you all please take the time to read and digest - it is NOT all as MPML like you all to believe. There were many many breaches of the notice last year and previous years, the fact is, that HBBC decided to take five as a sample that happened to be Saturday use. What has transpired since is that BARC/MPML were found guilty of these breaches and it is clear that BARC understood what the real version of the notice meant. They seem to emphasise that they have only 92 days per year of usage when in fact they have 5 days per week. The landlord it transpires charge them an extortionate amount of rent but this was also made clear when BARC signed the lease in 2005, BARC also paid £200,000 dividends to their shareholders last year..


As a log term resident of Kirkby Mallory I am fed up to the back teeth of all the incorrect remarks on various social networking sites most of which have been put there by probably the very ones that come to the track race the balls of their bikes and then go home to their nice quiet homes, and are not fully aware of the facts,only what is fed to them from one side of the story. I have been a suporter of Mallory Park for many years and have lived quite comfortably with it when the Overends ran it. I have listened to both sides and more recently been updated with the facts about the 85 notice and what it allows, I have read most of the derogatory and probably liable remarks on the facebook page brought to my attention by my grandson. Therefore the reason for posting this on Pistonheads is because you all seem to be more level headed than others. Because of these idiotic comments, my support for the track has diminished and quite frankly I now feel that they deserve everything they get, the management of the track have only themselves to blame for contnually breaking what is a legal notice which in its self a criminal offence. There are a few facts that I have found out that need to be voiced whether you like it or not , to give a balanced view on this whole mess.

• In 1985 a noise abatement notice was put on the track, this is because obviously there was a noise nuisance. This allows 2 noisy days a week and three quiet days, 5 working days, then it gives us residents two no use days –it has been like this for many years beofre BARC took over in 2005.

• They signed the lease for the track and if their lawyers had done the work properly they would know this was the case. If this was not viable for them they should not of taken the lease on. They may of had every intention of breaching the rules who knows, and it has now come back to bite them –again incompetence on the part of the management in by book.

• They HAVE blatantly breached this notice on countless occasions over the past couple of years - the awsome fest was the final straw for many residents it seems.

• If this was a pub, factory, or any other business continually breaking the law it would of been shut down regardless if it was making a profit or not.

• BARC it seems have two other circuits that run very effectively on less than the 85 noitce allows Mallory Park. The difference being they are not allowed as many track days there so they bring them all to Mallory Park – is it any wonder that residents get pi**ed off.

• Ironically with all the attantion lately and the full facts of the 85 notice revealed, the very operators that have set up / endorsed the mallory park supporters facebook page are the very ones that had a horrendous track day yesterday in the village on what is a No Use Saturday exept below 55db – so arogant are the management that they have alowed this to go on and stick two fingers up to the law and residents.

• It has been documented that John Ward states that the track days are money spinners, this might be true and maybe their downfall, it was said that we had 80+ track days last year. This seems to be easy money for them. Perhpas now they have to work and go and look for less noisy activity to contiue to stay vialble Croft, Thruxton and Goodwood seem to have it sorted, good business sence prevails obviously.

For this, my support over the last week or so is NO longer, it might even be that they want to close the track but are blaming the council and residents which will take the heat off them !! who knows with all the false information been fed out they are certainly not trustworthy business men – maybe a change in management would be the answer. You have to ask yourself whether all the derogatory remarks being put out on the internet by the staff of the track is proffessional, this does not bode well for BARC . To make derogatory and indeed mabe incrimidating remarks about certain residents is certainly NOT protraying a professional enterprise.

And, need we ask where is the general manager is in all this, sitting in his office making all the bullets for everyone to fire no doubt, If I remember correctly there was not even an appology after the awsome fest. Now they are acting like a spoilt child that has had his/her hands caught in the cookie jar. The meeting last Wednesday was cancelled because Mallory Park did not distribute their new proposals in time and also because of all the resentment whipped up by certain individuals on facebook with threats made to residents it was obviously sensible for all that it did not take place.

I’m sorry if this statement has offenden anyone but do your own research it is all on the internet for every one to read.

May common-sense prevail in all this and if more effort was put in to comming to an agreement than putting all this stupidity on the internet we might have an amicable solution


Some of the above comments might now be our of date but att this stage, MPML have gone into administration not BARC, Mallory Park no doubt will continue but under different management - so before further abuse towards residents shall we wait and see what happens in the next week or so - as they say every cloud has a silver lining and I am sure this will be the case. "

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Yeah, that's kinda how I expected that to read. Thanks for posting. :thumbs:


I really don't have a lot of sympathy with Mallory management over this, as they knew the contract when it was signed. If they hadn't taken the p*ss so much then they might still be there now, but sadly t'was not to be.

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Gheeze, Mallory passing the buck really!


Fair play to the resident for writing a very well put and reasonable response. Some of the stuff I've seen posted about the residents is bad, but I didn't realise they'd actually been threatened!


I guess the truth is somewhere in the middle.

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