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Switzerland Road Trip with Audi A3 Cabrio TFSI


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As well as the geekfest at CERN last weekend, I spent the few days before checking out Switzerland. I'd found the passes below when I was planning a pan-europe jolly, but time wouldn't allow that, so I crammed these into my two and bit days driving round the Alps.









I'd had big ideas about renting something a bit spesh for a short time, but budgetary constraints and idiotic rules about being banned from France sank my dream of taking a 911 round. So I followed my first rule of the road trip. Always rent a convertible, in this case a cheap one. I rocked up in Geneva Airport ready to be surprised with either a Volvo C70, Lancia Flavia or an Audi A3. Not driven any of these so didn't really have a preference, the valet chucked me the keys to the Audi in the end. It was only a tiddler, but nicely appointed throughout if you like black plastic with chrome bits, which I don't mind. Super quick roof, which operates at low speed - perfect for unexpected rain bursts - and decent boot for a small car with a rag top.


Over the few days I found the Audi to be a lot gutless, the torque of the Zed was long gone, but my first car was a 1.2 Clio so an underpowered FF was something I felt at home in. The little turbo in there is quite cute, and if you keep your foot in there's a bit of poke. In terms of alpine driving, if you want to pass something on an incline, drop it three gears and stick your foot in and it does the job. The strangest thing about it was how quiet it was, even on the limiter you could barely hear the engine, my Zed idles louder!


All in all she did well, and took quite a bit of stick, brakes didn't fade too much and she never missed a beat in a thousand klicks - I only had to fill her up once :) If I was the kind of person who wanted a little city car, with a drop top and a bit of fun I think the 2.0L version of this might be just the ticket. Strangely being in an Audi, I didn't once feel the need to drive 2 inches from the car in front.


The Swiss aren't big speeders, I rarely saw anyone over the limit, but they do love to sit off your back and also pull in tight across you when they pass. God only knows why, as the roads are deserted. The best roads there are ones that are still challenging within the speed limit, which is great for keeping out the way of the local PD. The roads themselves are sensational, so empty, so dramatic and by and large well surfaced. This would be perfect for a Classic Car Rally, but a little unforgiving in the drop offs if you get a bit too spirited. Some of the edges off the road were quite serious but being a 3 times bike veteran of the Death Road outside La Paz, it was a piece of cake.


Anyway, few pics of it all and I might even have a little video too. Hope you enjoy and please think very seriously about doing a trip like this in Switzerland, not the chepaest place to go but stunning, great driving, friendly people and bags of fun!


PS - Do we have a "great driving roads" section? If not, I think it would be a good idea...


Here she is, relatively clean on Day 1 - wish I'd taken an emergency MF and some QD though.




When's the last time you saw one of these?




Lake Leman - one of my favourite snaps of the big lake by Geneva up to Lausane.




Atop one of the many passes.




Text book waterfall.




One of the little valleys.




Angry clouds eating mountains.




Stop for a bio-break, found this.




I love driving down into these places.




The scenery is top notch.




Fun road.




Never seen a glacier before.




Or a gents with a mountain in, with a sign saying please don't **** on the mountain.




More fun road.




Couple of classics.




The view for breakfast.




I know it's childish, but I'm like that at times.




The world's biggest Baybel - mini just doesn't do it for me anymore.




Hopefully a vid to follow but it's taking an age to edit!

Edited by SuperStu
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You won't regret it Gangzoom, even the "boring" motorway bits between the incredible mountain passes are beautiful a lot of the time. I think I only caught a glimpse of one cop car in two days and 1000km :ninja: Most of Switzerland away from the cities is empty :)


How weird is it shifting right handed BTW? I'd only driven LHD autos before, took some un-learning, kept slamming my fist into the door! But the weirdest thing was getting back in the Zed after. Everything was so much heavier and immediate and louder, in just a few days I'd got very used to simply stomping on the throttle! Wasn't sure I preferred the Zed... for the first 3 minutes around town :teeth:

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