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Cobra, cant get tips straight ?


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Am in the process of fitting my Cobra resonated system, old one off and have put the back box on but the tips seem to be splayed slightly and I cant get them to sit straight in the exhaust cut out, any, er, tips ?


Also, the Y pipe, where it bolts to the mid section, is it always such a bitch to get the studs out, have used a cutting disk to get them off and am now trying, without much success to drill the middle out.

Edited by J4CKO
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Cheers, will give it a try, all on hold anyway until I get the studs out of the Y pipe, will try them the other way round, its like the elbows aren't quite 90 degrees, more like 95 but might be down to my iffy fitting.

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i had a similar problem getting the bolts out of an exhaust flange - turned out they were splined. I took it to a chap and he used a little air tool which was like a little impact hammer and they came out pretty quickly. If your drill has a hammer setting it may have the desired effect?

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