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Newbie from Yorkshire


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Hello everyone. Give me a wave if you remember who the hell I am! I've not been around for a long long time for a couple of reasons, the main one being a new job I started about 15 months ago which is very time consuming and has a gestapo like internet policy! I have NEVER in all that time been on the internet other than for work and only one person has my work email and that was sarnie as he was doing my new mortgage! By the time I get home the last thing I want to do is spark up the lap top which is now so crap I want to throw it out of the window and it's too much like hard work on my iphone. I need an ipad obviously! I got a wave last week for a guy in an azure which was nice. Had one or two glitches lately - one this weekend which was my own fault and one which I think might be electrical, will post in the relevant area on those! Anyway - still adore my car after nearly 7 years ownership and there are still a fair few fellow zedders that I am in touch with via facebook (something I CAN do on my iphone at work!)

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