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Anybody tried styling their rear view mirror?

The Bounty Bar Kid

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Just watched this and at 3:11, there is a covered rear view mirror. So wanna do that. Love it!


welcome, nice forum video! ending was random haha



So has anyone done it before? Can you buy covers? Or would it be a custom job? Dipping is just patterns right? I'm thinking something marvel or manga orientated.

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Vinyl can be made for you, but it would be more a sign making place you'd go to. The sort of place that does advertisements on vans, buses, taxis etc.


Its not actually vinyl in that video. If you pause you can see it's just literally a sticker bomb. Owner has gathered lots of small stickers and went mad :lol: Looks pretty cool actually.

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I suggested a sticker bomb vinyl as it retains an even surface ;)

But like KyleR already mentioned, you'd need to go to a sign writing place

for a bespoke vinyl.

I would have thought the expense for bespoke would be too high for the size of the item unless you decided you wanted to do a sheet big enough to say do the rear view mirror and the whole centre console

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