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That hateful moment...


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... when your washing the car and your orange reflector pops inwards :scare: ...Then you realise its a pain in the backside to get into and will probably have to jack it up and go underneath... then you notice two screws missing that hold it in place then you notice a bit of the front under tray is broken and just sitting their with the rest holding it on as there's no 'hole' for one of the screws.... then you remember when you bought it there was a scuff on the corner of the bumper where it had hit something but you had a look underneath at the time on a 'lift' and nothing was wrong.... is this scuff on the same side? BINGO!... lol someone's popped it back in and left the screws...good job! :thumbdown:.


I'll get a couple of screws for it tomorrow and thankfully my friendly mechanical neighbour is letting me jack it up and we'll have a look underneath to pop it back on. Pain in the ar%e!


anyone know any specific way they should be put back in or is it underneath lol.


Ta...and minor rant over lol



Edited by AMT
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Aww ffs... lol I hate removing stuff. How long should that take? lol I seen some wires etc in their, I go to Dublin on Thursday, if I don't do it by then I take it it will be ok with the gap? Its not gonna damage anything if it rains heavy or anything? (I know but I'm asking ive no idea lol).

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2013-09-18184856_zpsd7174d0c.jpgUPDATE! We are fixed!! My LEGEND of a neighbour jacked it up removed a bit of the under tray and basically shoved his hand up while screwing it in with the 'force' as he had his eyes shut lol. We did however find out more about my 'scuff' on the bottom corner of the bumper. you couldn't see it til you moved it as it was tucked into the bumper etc but some of it had been broken (no doubt trying to undo the bolts and its twisted the flimsy tray) so it had been held with......yep ...cable ties... :scare: but my neighbour (truck business and mechanic...a good one!) lol fixed it back up but unfortunately still had to put a couple of cable ties back on. God damn what did the previous owner hit?! Anyway the reflectors back! He did say I should have got LEDS for it like his Jaaag lol.



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Same as all our undertrays unfortunately. The screws/bolts and the bit they screw into is complete @*!# and rusts away to nothing. Meaning you either have to go but more better fixings or cable tie it. Most of us cable tie it, it'll never rust.

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