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Just put a deposit down on my first 350z


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Wow! The first time I've driven a 350z was when I test drove the one I put a deposit down on today. And wow! Wasn't expecting that! You can really feel the power... It's great. Bought a gunmetal grey one.. Can't wait to drive it back home. For the price, you get great performance! Big grin!

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Enjoy, i remember taking my one for a test drive 3 years ago, salesman said "as soon as i turn this key you will fall in love" he was bang on the money, bought it and never looked back.


Enjoy the new car and get along to one of the local meets, owning the car is only half the fun.

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Hello and :welcome: to the forum. This place is great for factual and proven information from knowledgeable and experienced owners.


And as the others have said, Gunmetal is the fastest and bestest colour. Good choice. Fact :teeth::thumbs:

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Welcome and enjoy your new car! :) It's an exciting time for anyone getting their new car, more so when it's something like a 350Z which is a great all-rounder.


They're not 'set your pants on fire' quick, but they've got a decent bit of grunt, and in my opinion handle beautifully for the fatties that they are. They're a great GT - they chew up the miles, you're comfortable doing it, they've got enough power to put a grin on your face, and even more they have a lovely V6 which once you've let it breathe becomes intoxicating (not done it to mine yet!). However they also look 'cool' - and have aged well in my opinion, and once you've sorted it out to make it 'yours' it becomes a lovely place to be and you never want to leave!

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  On 31/08/2013 at 21:02, Nick350z said:

I remember when I test drove mine I said out loud, with no one else in the car, 'Oh yes, I like you...'


And GM is the conniseurs choice.

Congrats but you should be aware that Azure Blue is the real connoisseurs choice :D;)
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  On 01/09/2013 at 18:52, Nick350z said:

Cobra exhaust is the connoisseurs choice (thanks to glrnet for pointing out that appalling spelling mistake there. My phone's autocorrect you see. Silly thing.....).


And Azure Blue? Isn't that the same colour as a bottle of Domestos?



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