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HELP! Front Wheel Bearing removal


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Evening all,


I'm in the process of changing my front wheel bearings and I cannot, for the life of me, get the bottom bolt out. No amount of jacking the suspension up, hammering, WD40, patience, or even putting all the other bolts back in nice and tight, is working.


All of the other three bolts came out very easily once I'd cracked them off but this last bottom bolt, which I only seem able to get an open-ended spanner to, is FUBAR. Every single quarter-turn takes all my strength and weight and the bolt-head isn't fairing well in the process. It's probably about 7mm out so far so not much further to go, but if anybody has any suggestions about how to get this bugger out, I'm all ears.


Also, as it's pretty knackered, I'm hoping I can pick up a new one from the Nissan Stealership tomorrow without too much hassle?


Any suggestions appreciated, you can save the abuse until after I've got it fixed! :-)





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Did you take the split pin out first? ;)



I'm guessing the threads are hammered - literally - some times they are beaten with a hammer to split the joint.


Lots of penetrating oil and a good wire brush is all I can offer as help. :shrug:

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My Bad :doh:


No split pins :)


Not a lot of choice but to carry on - may have been cross threaded but it will have to come out now.


I did mine with a socket - have you taken the carrier off the car?

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lol, phew! You had me worried about the split pin..


Yeah the bolt is coming out and getting replaced there's no other thing for it, I just don't want to waste another three hours on it if I can help it.


The assembly is still attached to the car (via that last bolt) so I might try to loosen off some of the suspension arm components and see if that will give me enough wiggle-room to get a socket on tomorrow...


Thanks Keyser.

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No worries mate, hope you get it sorted, I took mine out




Makes life easy to get to the back and the bolts - of course if you have a few spare minutes a quick clean and some paint before reassembly will make it look nice







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Thanks chaps, after a bit more WD40, brute force, and some mole grips, the last bolt came out successfully and the new hub / bearing assembly went in and back together perfectly. As I'd knackered the bolt I bought new ones from the stealership when re-assembling, and I bought more than I needed, expecting to have the same problems on the other side. After taking almost 5 hours to do the first side though (OSF), the second (NSF) was done in just over an hour and the bolt came straight out using a normal socket with no faff at all.


Not sure why one side was harder than the other though - a few people in the US suggesting that steering angle can affect it, but to be honest I didn't check and it's all done now :)


Thanks for the help / banter / inspiration to paint my sub frame crazy colours next time I happen to drop my engine out!



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