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Mobility Cars (Rant)!!!


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To be honest im with ddcboyle, If hes putting his money he earns towards a grant to get a dream car then let him, i think we need to stop scum getting jsa then spending it on drugs before someone gets there disability allowance removed ,


At least his moneys going towards what it should rather than as above or these types poping out kids and using child allowance for drugs and alcohol.

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:10, Ekona said:

So basically, you're saying that if you're disabled then tough luck, you deserve to be singled out as a cripple forever?


Dude, I'm as hard-nosed as they come, but even I find that a bit cold. I would rather my tax money go to getting disabled people cars than to anyone who chooses to breed. That's a much bigger waste of money, as they have a choice: I'm pretty sure that the disabled do not.

Your missing the point! At no point have i suggested that disabled folk should suffer. Do you really think that being given a simple car, fit for purpose is "tough luck"?

It should be take it and use it or leave it and buy what you can afford!

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:11, stuarty said:



Explain to me why i know lots of folk, who simply cant afford any car and who have to rely on public transport or jock's pony to get from A to B?



Other than select few born with the silver spoon in mouth, We were all born with the same chances in this country with education paid for by the goverment, If these people didnt do well in school or try hard to get in a good job thats there desicion not like someone who is hit by a bus and is now disabled.


So yes someone who has become disabled deserves a car.

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:02, stuarty said:

My father in law had his leg amputated when he was 18 as a result of a work related injury. He died a few years ago aged 65. All his days he received his disability allowances. He choose not to take the car and instead used the money for whatever else. Moral of this story is, if he could get about using public transport, 75% of others in the same position can.

So tell me again why they need a free car? Or help towards whatever car they want?


What about people with disabled (not just physical it's mental too) kids they need to take about to school, to care homes, to the park, to the cinema, to anywhere.


As for public transport, I drive to work in 10 minutes. It's 30 minutes on a bus, with a 15 minute walk on the end, with 100 yards of no path along the roadside. Plenty of people with disabilities work and pay tax too.


If your is not an idealistic point of view, it's a financial one, go after Trident or the tax breaks the government grants to huge global corporations. The money lost in fraud on benefits is less than that lost in errors in over payment, that's simply a fact.



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Stuarty, ur angry at one bloke who looks fine in his m3. What about the rest? Go let a guy who loves cars and was hit by a car crossing the road, that hes to go **** himself and take the bus or take a crappy car. Or he can go buy his sports car with the crappy basic pay he gets ffromthe only job that accepted a cripple.


A car is luxury but should crippled be denied that too? Some cripples cant actually work. Just because u can walk doesnt mean ur okay. They dnt go to the doctors one day and ask for a car. My mate was downgraded for 3years without a car before he got his. He relied on people opening doors, helping him up stairs, carrying his shopping. But no, **** him take his only nice thing that makes him feel normal and have freedom away because mr.m3 isnt disabled so lets make the actual cripples pay. Ill go get him to tattoo cripple on his forehead so everyone knows too?

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:15, StevoD said:
  On 16/08/2013 at 18:11, stuarty said:



Explain to me why i know lots of folk, who simply cant afford any car and who have to rely on public transport or jock's pony to get from A to B?



Other than select few born with the silver spoon in mouth, We were all born with the same chances in this country with education paid for by the goverment, If these people didnt do well in school or try hard to get in a good job thats there desicion not like someone who is hit by a bus and is now disabled.


So yes someone who has become disabled deserves a car.

Most of the people i am referring too are educated but simple cant get a job that they have trained for and rather than sitting on there A hole, they take what job they can and work hard at it.

Furthermore at no point did i say a disabled person should not get a free car, i'm simply saying there choice should be restricted to certain more suitable cars. That way they could be recycled and used by someone else with a similar disability.

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:14, stuarty said:
  On 16/08/2013 at 18:10, Ekona said:

So basically, you're saying that if you're disabled then tough luck, you deserve to be singled out as a cripple forever?


Dude, I'm as hard-nosed as they come, but even I find that a bit cold. I would rather my tax money go to getting disabled people cars than to anyone who chooses to breed. That's a much bigger waste of money, as they have a choice: I'm pretty sure that the disabled do not.

Your missing the point! At no point have i suggested that disabled folk should suffer. Do you really think that being given a simple car, fit for purpose is "tough luck"?

It should be take it and use it or leave it and buy what you can afford!


What is the difference between getting a standard focus for say £200 a month in benefit, and giving someone £200 a month in benefit toward a car of their choice? The cost to the state is the same, but the person gets a choice in how to utilise it. it makes no difference o the bottom line.


Unless of course the idea is simply to make people with disabilities easier to spot?

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:14, stuarty said:

Your missing the point! At no point have i suggested that disabled folk should suffer. Do you really think that being given a simple car, fit for purpose is "tough luck"?

It should be take it and use it or leave it and buy what you can afford!

Well, you did, because you said they should have a great big sticker on the side of their cars.


Okay, reason me this: What difference is there between the state giving someone a car costing £200 a month, and the state giving them £200 a month to spend on a car that they can top up? How does one cost you more than the other?


Not all disabled people are the same, and giving them a choice is a good thing.

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Before I get home tonight and really tear into this bullshit thread, I just want to ask a simple question.


All those arguing against the car are aware that it comes out of the persons benefits, right? £54 of DLA benefits are lost per week in exchange for the car, so it's far from given to them. It costs around £230 per month for the car, tax and insurance, seems quite spot on to me.

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The fact is, i've never said in this thread that any Disabled person should not have access to a car. All ive said is tat the choice of car should be very limited.

If you want a sports car, great, simply buy it yourself!

I look at mobility cars the same way i look at wheelchairs, zimmer frames, walking sticks, artificial legs, glass eyes and any other medical appliance or prosthetic item.

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  On 16/08/2013 at 17:35, stuarty said:

[Then i see a tosser driving his mobility car to the nature reserve along the road, jump out and walk his dog a few moles everyday!

If you are desperate enough, you should be grateful for any car you get otherwise our not needing it enough!


Mobility cars are not just for the unable bodies. My mate has terminal cancer and simply cant work anymore. He gets a allowance for a car, maybe the "Tosser" you mentioned might be in the same boat.

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I wouldn't stop at big stickers on the cars Stuarty, you need to tackle the problem much earlier at primary school where they are costing the tax payer money, orange vests, and made to sit in the corner! Infact don't even let them go to school, keep them out of sight. Other people have had similar ideas, but they were mad dictators or clinically insane, or both.

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:30, leonk said:

I wouldn't stop at big stickers on the cars Stuarty, you need to tackle the problem much earlier at primary school where they are costing the tax payer money, orange vests, and made to sit in the corner! Infact don't even let them go to school, keep them out of sight. Other people have had similar ideas, but they were mad dictators or clinically insane, or both.

GLOL :lol:

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:26, stuarty said:

The fact is, i've never said in this thread that any Disabled person should not have access to a car. All ive said is tat the choice of car should be very limited.

If you want a sports car, great, simply buy it yourself!

I look at mobility cars the same way i look at wheelchairs, zimmer frames, walking sticks, artificial legs, glass eyes and any other medical appliance or prosthetic item.

Which is ironic, coming from someone who works for the NHS for two days a week, who must see the benefit to the disabled these things bring.

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:27, Madmarky said:
  On 16/08/2013 at 17:35, stuarty said:

[Then i see a tosser driving his mobility car to the nature reserve along the road, jump out and walk his dog a few moles everyday!

If you are desperate enough, you should be grateful for any car you get otherwise our not needing it enough!


Mobility cars are not just for the unable bodies. My mate has terminal cancer and simply cant work anymore. He gets a allowance for a car, maybe the "Tosser" you mentioned might be in the same boat.

Sorry about you friend! No this guy is a tosser known him for over 30 years. He's been on benefits till his kids grew up and left home and went straight from that to DSA, he's proud to point this fact out by continually pointing out that only in this country can he live in a 4 bedroom house, get a benefits including a car and all he has to do in return s attend a medical and pish the chair he sits in and bingo its all good for a while longer!

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It seems like u got angry mr.m3 and made a post to realise u might be over the top exaggerating. And just sticking to ur guns.


U dont want to make disabled people suffer. Yet u want a sticker on their car? Disabled people dont want other people knowing their disabled. TTheywant to be normal.


I hold doors open for normal and disabled. It doesnt make a difference they just have extra set of legs to assist.


U say they shiuld have crap car. This costa money and as stu and ekona have already mentioned, put that money towards a car they pay into.


I dont think you knew all about the situation and money logistics behind the scenes before u posted the thread.


I get angry at people taking disabled spaces at my work when their not disabled but thats because I know those people arent disabled.


Its not ur job to say someone cant park in disabled bay. Thats traffic wardens job. And police. And youve parked on a double yellow before? We all have for that 1minute jump to cash machine. Same thing, let the enforcers enforce it and leave those disabled to try live normal

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My neighbours are old farts and all they go on about is there new mobility car....fair play the old man has had a hip op but that doesn't mean they can take the pi$$ for the last 5 years and get away with it. There son has magnetic signs that he puts on the side and uses it everyday for his mobile window cleaning and bin cleaning round. They say they need a people carrier van to get the wheelchair in etc and ive never seen him use the chair but there son says "Hey everyone cons the government so hey hoo" I don't care if it comes out of there so called benefit or not but every couple of years they rock up in a nice brand new car and rub it in to all the neighbours that they get a free car.... :stir: :stir:

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:30, leonk said:

I wouldn't stop at big stickers on the cars Stuarty, you need to tackle the problem much earlier at primary school where they are costing the tax payer money, orange vests, and made to sit in the corner! Infact don't even let them go to school, keep them out of sight. Other people have had similar ideas, but they were mad dictators or clinically insane, or both.

Ok, i really recent this comment!

I'm simple talking about mobility cars this is at another level!

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:38, sidewayz350z said:

My neighbours are old farts and all they go on about is there new mobility car....fair play the old man has had a hip op but that doesn't mean they can take the pi$$ for the last 5 years and get away with it. There son has magnetic signs that he puts on the side and uses it everyday for his mobile window cleaning and bin cleaning round. They say they need a people carrier van to get the wheelchair in etc and ive never seen him use the chair but there son says "Hey everyone cons the government so hey hoo" I don't care if it comes out of there so called benefit or not but every couple of years they rock up in a nice brand new car and rub it in to all the neighbours that they get a free car.... :stir: :stir:


Yeh my boss just got a nice new porsche 911 turbo and rubs it in my face that its better than my zed. Lets remove his pay because he rubbed it in someone's face.


We all do it. I didnt make my car green because only I wanted it. I made it green because I wanted people thinking "oh thats a nice car", and then id feel good about something I own. Fair enough the benefit fraud is bad so... why dnt u pay attention to the adverts and go phone up and sat hes using the car. Take photos. Ur just moaning on a forum, the government dint live next to thrse people. U do

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:34, Ekona said:
  On 16/08/2013 at 18:26, stuarty said:

The fact is, i've never said in this thread that any Disabled person should not have access to a car. All ive said is tat the choice of car should be very limited.

If you want a sports car, great, simply buy it yourself!

I look at mobility cars the same way i look at wheelchairs, zimmer frames, walking sticks, artificial legs, glass eyes and any other medical appliance or prosthetic item.

Which is ironic, coming from someone who works for the NHS for two days a week, who must see the benefit to the disabled these things bring.

Yeah, your spot on. I see people in need every day!!

I also see people who really need things and simply cant get them. So you'll excuse me if i get hacked off by folk being able to use such benefits to fund luxury items.

Also please don't start taking this thread to the next level, its simply about mobility cars. No one can compare a luxury item such as a sports car too medicine for a Cancer patient or an appliance for a war veteran or a disabled child.

Fact is its only a car to get the the people in need from a to b and not a life saving item!

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:35, ddcboyle said:

It seems like u got angry mr.m3 and made a post to realise u might be over the top exaggerating. And just sticking to ur guns.


U dont want to make disabled people suffer. Yet u want a sticker on their car? Disabled people dont want other people knowing their disabled. TTheywant to be normal.


I hold doors open for normal and disabled. It doesnt make a difference they just have extra set of legs to assist.


U say they shiuld have crap car. This costa money and as stu and ekona have already mentioned, put that money towards a car they pay into.


I dont think you knew all about the situation and money logistics behind the scenes before u posted the thread.


I get angry at people taking disabled spaces at my work when their not disabled but thats because I know those people arent disabled.


Its not ur job to say someone cant park in disabled bay. Thats traffic wardens job. And police. And youve parked on a double yellow before? We all have for that 1minute jump to cash machine. Same thing, let the enforcers enforce it and leave those disabled to try live normal

I agree mostly with this comment. But as i work in a health care environment i see people in need being turned away on a regular bases. So excuse me for being a little hacked off when i see someone driving an M3 and someone being turned down fir an appliance for there kid who suffers from cystic fibrosis in the same day!

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:43, ddcboyle said:
  On 16/08/2013 at 18:38, sidewayz350z said:

My neighbours are old farts and all they go on about is there new mobility car....fair play the old man has had a hip op but that doesn't mean they can take the pi$$ for the last 5 years and get away with it. There son has magnetic signs that he puts on the side and uses it everyday for his mobile window cleaning and bin cleaning round. They say they need a people carrier van to get the wheelchair in etc and ive never seen him use the chair but there son says "Hey everyone cons the government so hey hoo" I don't care if it comes out of there so called benefit or not but every couple of years they rock up in a nice brand new car and rub it in to all the neighbours that they get a free car.... :stir: :stir:


Yeh my boss just got a nice new porsche 911 turbo and rubs it in my face that its better than my zed. Lets remove his pay because he rubbed it in someone's face.


We all do it. I didnt make my car green because only I wanted it. I made it green because I wanted people thinking "oh thats a nice car", and then id feel good about something I own. Fair enough the benefit fraud is bad so... why dnt u pay attention to the adverts and go phone up and sat hes using the car. Take photos. Ur just moaning on a forum, the government dint live next to thrse people. U do

Why should I waste my time on the phone for hours for the dear old couple to say" no we don't" and I just put the adverts on fella and it was for m&m's so I paid attention and went to the shop and bought some :teeth:

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  On 16/08/2013 at 18:38, stuarty said:
  On 16/08/2013 at 18:30, leonk said:

I wouldn't stop at big stickers on the cars Stuarty, you need to tackle the problem much earlier at primary school where they are costing the tax payer money, orange vests, and made to sit in the corner! Infact don't even let them go to school, keep them out of sight. Other people have had similar ideas, but they were mad dictators or clinically insane, or both.

Ok, i really recent this comment!

I'm simple talking about mobility cars this is at another level!


No offense intended Stuarty, I just thought "should also be wrapped with a big disabled logo on the side." .was perhaps a little extreme, :shrug:

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