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Major help required plz.. (caliper bolt) :(.


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So today I tried changing my front brake pads and whilst trying to take the front top (driver side) caliper bolt off, the bolt snapped! (image below)... Now I'm left without the top bolt holding the caliper... What can I do about this and is the car still drivable with the top bolt of the caliper missing ?




An kind of advice/help much appreciated !

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i wouldnt drive it mate bit dodgy..ive done the exact same thing what i did was take the spring bolt out of its squidgy rubber housing laser cut along the sheared bolt then just unscrewed it, find a local machinist if you dont know anyone bung them a tenner will take them literally 1 minute..order new bolt from nissan or Alex job done :thumbs:

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That sucks mate, I had a sticky caliper bolt changing my pads 2 days ago, ended up getting the place that changed my tyres to heat it up with a blow torch and remove it for me. Maybe get towed to a local garage or get some titanium drill bits and have a go drilling it out?

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Thought this might happen when I changed all the pads on my Brembos yesterday, but soaked the bolts for 30 mins in WD40 and they came out nicely. They were done up incredibly tight though and it wasn't easy getting a breaker bar in the right position to crack them.


As above, if you are drilling them out go for tungsten carbide drill bits or cobalt. I used cobalt on a wheel nut that snapped on a previous car and it went through them like a hot knife through butter.

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Instead of drilling-out, would you not just replace the complete slider pin and bold on that design of caliper, or is that what Alex is suggesting with the parts he has in stock?


That is exactly what I am suggesting Dave, no point in drilling out as the replacement parts are only £10.00


Alex. :)

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