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If a 4x4 wants in, then let it in....


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What's slightly more worrying is the amount of people who thought the truck was right. Or didn't know who had the right of way.


Yep you can clearly see the point of no return and the guy with the camera leaves a decent gap but the 4x4 drivers goes on the offensive.... but hey he makes a funny so therefore is a hero :clap:

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I guess they don't know the concept of merge in turn, wherever that video was filmed (probably Russia again :D).


It's still something people don't "get" over here - especially when coming up to lane closures/lane merging. Rather than being a self righteous do-gooder, it's safer to let 1 car go, and 1 car in - rather than trying to be the bigger person and stopping people from filtering in. Mathematically/and from time/motion studies, merge in turn is more efficient than queuing up from 17.34 miles away into 1 line. People think it's "cheeky" to come in at the end, actually it's just much more sensible.


Now, in this case I accept that the 4x4 driver was being a noblet for assuming he had the right of way. I was just talking in general terms of driving etiquette and style.

Edited by wmr1980
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