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Fitted PIAA sports horns this weekend


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Seeing as I officially have a working set of horns after having my steering wheel replaced, I thought I'd update the existing factory horns for something a bit newer and louder.


I bought them from here:




I didn't want to take the front bumper off as I wasn't confident I would be able to fit it back again, so fitted them with it still on the car.


One of the horns is almost central of the radiator and is easy enough to remove, however the other is tucked away behind the bumper near the drivers side headlight. If you have small arms like me you can unbolt it with a socket set.


The problem lies in that the connectors for this particular horn are on the wrong side, so therefore the connectors aren't long enough to reach if you try and mount the horn back in the stock location. What I found after spending an hour trying to get the horn mounted and the connectors on is that the easiest thing to do is to detach the rectangular metal plate from the horn, and attach both horns to it. You can then not only connect both up as the electrical connections both stretch, but that you can then bolt the metal plate to the mounting point right in front of you.


Hope I've explained this okay, I can clarify further if it helps ;)






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It doesn't have the volume levels of, say, a train horn, but it's a good improvement over the factory fitted ones. I'm not a very hands-on person (I work in IT :)) but once I'd discovered not to use the mounting point next to the headlight it was all straight forward.


I guess you could say it has a more urgent sound to it, I bought the 400 and 500Hz model, I originally thought about some Hella Supertone horns but they'd have made the Z sound like a noddy car, not the look I was going for lol.


I'd love a train horn, but the thought of a compressor taking half of my already tiny boot turns me off a bit, would be too tempted to drive around scaring the c**p out of everyone ;)



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