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Politics, anyone? :))


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i like the quote at the end " research takes time" i bet it does, becuase at them moment i haven't seen any evidence of research there. just political slatting designed for the mentally inept who listen and follow any old rubbish.


i'm neither pro russian or pro states, but thats a pile of ka ka, if not a slightly funny attempt at it.

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Every time I see someone slag off Dave Cameron as PM, I feel the urge to point at Ed Miliband and ask them if they actually think that is a better alternative.


Most go quiet then. The others are just beyond redemption.

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UK politics is like betting on a crippled horse race. they're all completely useless for the job but you have to try and work out which is the least useless one that will actually finish the race.


as for mr sillyband he's doing a brilliant job of undermining himself, he doesnt need the oppositions help. and no one in his party wants his job as its a veritable poision challis at the moment. they'll let him go down with the sinking ship until the election, they'll lose and then boot him and elect a replacement.


cleggy is about as effective as a spounge hammer, he can keep hammering home points as much and as hard as he likes but he has no actual impact. and the party he acutally represents is just fool of crazy folk with some very scary ideas.

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