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Any keen golfists?


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Anyone on here a regular player? I played a lot as a junior and got down to a handicap of 5 when I was 16, but school and stuff started to take upy time


I have been advised to take it up again to get me out and about when I'm recovered from surgery, and was wondering what people consider to be the best bats to use nowadays? My Ping i3's have been around for nearly 8 years so want to get something new


What do other people play off?

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Sorry, I think golf is the most boring game ever invented so no help from me but I hope you enjoy playing again :thumbs:


Mr Two Bears is sometimes asked if he plays golf and feels certain that the 'correct' answer is 'but of course', unfortunately he shares my view of the game :blush:

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Gosh yes, I would rather watch some Farrow & Ball dry than watch a golf contest :surrender: I'll have to take you word for it being more fun to play. I was forced to stay in a golfing hotel with work once and had to 'play' (I use the word loosely) with the proper golfists. Such fun. Not. If I'd had my horse with me it would have been fun mind you; all that lovely grass to gallop round on :yahoo:

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Yes, I used to play. A few of us would finish nights in the summer at 5:30 and go for a round on our local municipal in Flint, before anyone else arrived ;) . My next door neighbor's Dad was very high up at Vicar's Cross Golf Club in Chester so I used to play there once a week as well for free. Didn't keep it up for long, less than a year I guess and was never a member of a club so I never had an H/C, but my neighbor had an H/C of 10 and I was around his level.




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Gosh yes, I would rather watch some Farrow & Ball dry than watch a golf contest :surrender: I'll have to take you word for it being more fun to play. I was forced to stay in a golfing hotel with work once and had to 'play' (I use the word loosely) with the proper golfists. Such fun. Not. If I'd had my horse with me it would have been fun mind you; all that lovely grass to gallop round on :yahoo:


Years ago my horse bolted out of a public footpath and straight onto a golf course! I got verbally abused by lots of old men in strange trousers for the 10 minutes it took me to control him again!! I get you completely on the 'lovely grass' thing ;)

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I quit when my handicap ever increasing reach 15 and I just wasn't enjoying the torture of it. Play the occasional game with mates or when on holiday but I too have been threatening to join a club again. Still have my callaway X14's and still strike them well. If it ain't broke........ :shrug:

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Stick with the Ping's. I have used the I15's since they came out and there as good as anything on the market. The difference now days is the technology in the woods and hybrids. It's all down to preference. Iv'e been of 2 handicap for many years now and have no intentions of changing.

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