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These people walk amongst us undetected...


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Nope, teachers, the most immature profession ever, think about it, went to school, then college, then school again, for most. It was your lesson, obviously executed wrongly.


Do you have children? If so or not so, do you understand how they work/operate?


I've got three and, many times I've furnished them with inadequate information and they've failed in their task, I'm not paid to do that, but I try my best, you are and failed, simple.


Anyway, enjoy your holidays :lol:

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Oh and parents don't generally wait 30 minutes after watching their child doing something inherently wrong then blame someone else for their child getting it wrong.


They walk among us alright, mostly in the teaching profession, if your example is anything to go by buddy.

Edited by The G Man
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Oh and parents don't generally wait 30 minutes after watching their child doing something inherently wrong then blame someone else for their child getting it wrong.


They walk among us alright, mostly in the teaching profession, if your example is anything to go by buddy.


Parents usually only have 2 or 3 kids to teach at a time, teachers have 20-30. They can't babysit the lot of them all the time, gotta throw some raw meet to the exceptionals and teach the rest. I wouldn't do a teacher's job for twice my wage. It'd be **** funny if they all packed up tomorrow and left parents to teach their own uniquely talented and brilliant children.

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isn't there a saying that "if you can't do, then teach" ??? :stir:


Possibly, most of my technical "teachers", couldn't hack industry, it was only after working in the engineering industry that there were tales of my old "teachers", who were complete Dilberts on the shop floor/drawing/design/development offices.


Another instance is art "teachers", everyone a potential Da Vinci :lol: There are other examples, but on the whole, teachers have a tough job, but some just like to "think" that all their pupils are untermench from parents who are substandard.

Oh and parents don't generally wait 30 minutes after watching their child doing something inherently wrong then blame someone else for their child getting it wrong.


They walk among us alright, mostly in the teaching profession, if your example is anything to go by buddy.


Parents usually only have 2 or 3 kids to teach at a time, teachers have 20-30. They can't babysit the lot of them all the time, gotta throw some raw meet to the exceptionals and teach the rest. I wouldn't do a teacher's job for twice my wage. It'd be **** funny if they all packed up tomorrow and left parents to teach their own uniquely talented and brilliant children.


Parents have them 24 seven my friend, "teachers" don't. If they all packed up tomorrow, then, more than likely, the anarchy that this would produce would sink them, not a parent looking after a child.

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Oh and parents don't generally wait 30 minutes after watching their child doing something inherently wrong then blame someone else for their child getting it wrong.


They walk among us alright, mostly in the teaching profession, if your example is anything to go by buddy.

Wow someone has a stick up there arse about the teaching profession. Firstly no I have no kids...yet....they arrive in October. Secondly I didn't fail in my task he did everything exactly how I demonstrated it. He used the vice correctly he wiped of the excess, he laid up and measured everything just like I showed him. His mistake was not being able to identify between a big bottle labelled PVA that he's used every year for the last 4 years. And a completely different bottle with a picture of a sink on it and the words Cif written on it. Now you might question why I let him continue. I'm a strong believer in learning from ones mistakes, and guiding them to the correct conclusion. I didn't mock the student, I laid out all the facts in front of him. As they say you can lead a horse to water etc etc etc. As for my teaching ability, I worked in the real world first before I went in to teaching. I also work with some of the toughest kids, and I also get some of the best results. Since I've worked in my current school the results have gone up 30% over 5 years. My lesson which are observed are either graded as good or outstanding, and in the recent Ofsted inspection I was also graded as outstanding. I think until you've done my job, or been in my classroom you can't really comment on my ability as a teacher. Oh and I also teach teachers as I'm a Subject mentor for several teaching courses. As you say I must be failing in my role as a teacher :lol:

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Yes, yes, but you haven't demonstrated that you showed him the glue, and. I must say, someone missed a trick in not picking up this kid couldn't differentiate between PVA and Cif :surrender:


Well done though for keeping the teaching professions standards up to scratch, on your own as well :clap:


So posting on here about said child isn't mocking. on this thread? Really? :lol:

Edited by The G Man
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The teachers at my school had those kind of numbers for 24/7, we were boarding. Presumably you home school your kids to save them from the teachers?


No my kids went to a school where spanking wasn't compulsory :lol: You and RT seem to be offended in a strange way. So what happened 24/7 then?

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Yes, yes, but you haven't demonstrated that you showed him the glue, and. I must say, someone missed a trick in not picking up this kid couldn't differentiate between PVA and Cif :surrender:


Well done though for keeping the teaching professions standards up to scratch, on your own as well :clap:


So posting on here about said cjild isn't mocking. on this thread? Really? :lol:

he could differentiate alright he just happened to have left his brain in neutral that lesson. And thank you its rare to get praise from parents. Most just expect a child minding service. I do my job to the best of my abilities, but as always I'm just a small cog in a big machine. I just happen to work in a very good school with lots of other very good teachers. As for did I find it funny, of course I bloody did, and I shared it with my colleagues. And its not like I've emailed him the link to this thread. But if it helps. The kid did his gcse last year. He was predicted a D, I helped him get a B. So he can't of done too badly having me as a teacher.

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I never questioned your abilities, I'm questioning your professional standards old chap. What if, for instance your head teacher was aware of your post, or indeed your attitude to parents in general?


Or if those same Ofsted inspectors were aware, would you be awarded good or magic or whatever you allude to? I don't think so.


I put it to you, that YOU have a stick up your arse about the teaching profession, not me.


I have my opinion, and your profession is getting worse old boy.

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I never questioned your abilities, I'm questioning your professional standards old chap. What if, for instance your head teacher was aware of your post, or indeed your attitude to parents in general?


Or if those same Ofsted inspectors were aware, would you be awarded good or magic or whatever you allude to? I don't think so.


I put it to you, that YOU have a stick up your arse about the teaching profession, not me.


I have my opinion, and your profession is getting worse old boy.

I've not named any student in person, I've not refereed to any parents by name, I've not mentioned the school I work at, I've not used my actual name. And I'm entitled to an opinion just like you. With regards to parents. Pretty much every screwed up kid you can trace the issue back to the parents. Its not a sweeping statement its fact. And my issue is every man and his dog has an opinion on what teachers should and shouldn't be doing. Everyone seems to know best, but very few are willing to actually step forward and do the job themselves. But you are correct that there are issues in the education system. We have an assessment system that only caters for 80% of the students going through it. We have a setup focussed on league tables which breeds a culture of prepping for exams and not actual learning. You have politicians deciding on curriculums with no actual experience of the job and very little consultation with actual industry in what they want out of newly trained students. There is little emphasis on vocational subjects. An observatory body that moves the goal posts to suit the political agenda and the poor setup from exam boards. Schools being able to quote performance figures excluding English and maths but including sub standard qualifications. Falling budgets, growing class sizes, no new schools being built. I could go on. Yes the system is flawed but lots of us try to do the best with what we have to use.

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I never questioned your abilities, I'm questioning your professional standards old chap. What if, for instance your head teacher was aware of your post, or indeed your attitude to parents in general?


Or if those same Ofsted inspectors were aware, would you be awarded good or magic or whatever you allude to? I don't think so.


I put it to you, that YOU have a stick up your arse about the teaching profession, not me.


I have my opinion, and your profession is getting worse old boy.

I've not named any student in person, I've not refereed to any parents by name, I've not mentioned the school I work at, I've not used my actual name. And I'm entitled to an opinion just like you. With regards to parents. Pretty much every screwed up kid you can trace the issue back to the parents. Its not a sweeping statement its fact. And my issue is every man and his dog has an opinion on what teachers should and shouldn't be doing. Everyone seems to know best, but very few are willing to actually step forward and do the job themselves. But you are correct that there are issues in the education system. We have an assessment system that only caters for 80% of the students going through it. We have a setup focussed on league tables which breeds a culture of prepping for exams and not actual learning. You have politicians deciding on curriculums with no actual experience of the job and very little consultation with actual industry in what they want out of newly trained students. There is little emphasis on vocational subjects. An observatory body that moves the goal posts to suit the political agenda and the poor setup from exam boards. Schools being able to quote performance figures excluding English and maths but including sub standard qualifications. Falling budgets, growing class sizes, no new schools being built. I could go on. Yes the system is flawed but lots of us try to do the best with what we have to use.


dude your biting.

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The teachers at my school had those kind of numbers for 24/7, we were boarding. Presumably you home school your kids to save them from the teachers?


No my kids went to a school where spanking wasn't compulsory :lol: You and RT seem to be offended in a strange way. So what happened 24/7 then?


When I was about 10 and my parents were in the fun stages leading up to a divorce, the teachers at my school filled an extremely important gap in the stability of both my social and educational support. They didn't need to do it, they did it because they were decent people and looked out for me.

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