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US to UK delivery.

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Anyone any experience of this? It just appears that the majority of delivery companies in the UK are utter crap.


In my experience while the shipping is great on the US side, it just falls to bits when it gets to the UK.


My parts shipped on the 13th, arrived JFK 14th, landed at London Heathrow on the 15th. Then promptly became lost.


I called the place in Hethrow after a few days, they eventually found them in Leeds. So the went past me from Heathrow to Leeds. Called Leeds, they found them and eventually got the duty ammount for me, which I promptly paid. Said they would be delivered Thursday (yesterday).


Never arrived.


Called today and they confirmed that they should have been delivered Thursday, so dont know why I havent got them - then they inform me that they had subcontracted the deliveries out the last few days, so perhaps thats why they havent arrived. They said they would call me back to advise...


Still waiting for that call.


God knows what condition these bits will be in when they arrive, if they ever do, but to say Im a little unimpressed with the UK side of the delivery would be an understatement. Dry




Called them as I decided waiting for them to call me would be somewhat a waste of time.


It appears as though the delivery guy was given instructions of what Items to load onto the van for delivery Thursday, he forgot to put them on the van.


Quite why nobody picked this up until I chased them is another story. Apparently they will now be here Tuesday.


Its not as if Im fitting them straight away, its just a little anoying when goods can travel the best part of 6000 miles in three days, and then take another 14 to do 130 miles up the M1.

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I had problems when I ordered from mynismo.com


My item arrived in the uk & cleared customs by the monday & after much chasing it got delivered on the saturday. They had forgotten to put it on the van to be delivered everyday.


When I ordered from autopia I had my package the day after it arrived in the UK

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If anyone is ordering from the US again and has concerns over shippers let me know. I have friends who own 2 shipping companies based out of LA that will make things s.m.o.o.o.o.o.t.h. Hopefully


Love your little disclaimer at the end, 'Hopefully' :p

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