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Help please might have buggered my rear drive shafts.


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So I fixed an exhaust leak today and whilst that was drying I thought I'd fix my clicky rear axel. So I got the drivers side done and moved on to the passengers side followed the guide and loosened the nut level with the shaft I cut abit of wood up to protect the shaft and that split so I put some wd40 on and started hitting it again. Anyway whilst try to get the nut off I've stripped the thread on the nut and damaged the start of the driveshaft thread.


So I don't know wether to take the shaft out and see if someone can use a tap n die kit to fix the thread and get a new nut or weather I'm going to have to get a used driveshaft. I'm so frustrated as I thought this was going to be a quick, cheap fix and now I'm not going to be able to go to meets over the weekend.

Any advice would be great and possibly prices on parts I might need thanks.

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When I did mine I too broke the bolt side of things, ended up damaging about 2-3 threads. Luckilly the nut wasn't damaged and I managed to get it back on straight with a bit of force. Id try taking a file to the bolt side of things and cleaning it up, make sure theres no excess metal lying around and the threads are as straight as possible, and then as above, give Alex a shout for a new nut.

Edited by cs2000
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  On 01/08/2013 at 15:37, Keyser said:

For that size I'd be looking at an Engineering shop mate - That's where I went for a custom sump plug :thumbs:


That's what I thought il have to try and find some where tomorrow, also any ideas how to get my drive shaft out its pretty stuck in there banging it is what's buggered it in the first place.

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Never hit a bolt or threaded shaft EVER! - bit late for that advice :surrender: - If I have to resort to a good beating of a threaded shaft or bolt to get it out I put the nut on so it is level with the top of the shaft - protecting the threads from damage,


I would try a bit of heat - not to much as it will melt the grease - another option is a drift smaller than the shaft if you have one?


or beat it with a copper mallet (you will prolly kill the mallet)


I don't recall mine being that hard to remove when the nut was off.

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Yeh I left the nut on level with the shaft but it's still buggered the threads, I've managed to get two new nuts from Nissan so I might try and save it tomorrow. Thanks for the tips guys all much appreciated feel free to post if any other ideas crop up. I was hoping to come along to the ace cafe meet with no blowing exhaust or clicky axel but hey how these things are sent to test us.

Edited by Pete87
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Read through the guide on here, and was using a normal hammer lightly and that didn't work so got a bit of wood to protect the shaft and got harder and harder infill the wood split, in hind sight I should have stopped before I got angry lol.

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Right so I got in touch with a mate who is a truck mechanic who had just the right tools I needed luckily so today me and a mate managed to save the drive shaft thread and I got two new nuts from Nissan so all is now solved and the clicking is gone. Whilst fixing the thread we took it out of park and the handbrake off and the shaft moved in and out nicely I was so pi**ed if is taken it out of park from the start none of this would have happened but at least she is fixed. Thankyou everyone for your advice :)

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I just greesed the drive shaft today, I struggled geting the nut off(large breaker bar and 12stone sitting on it for 20mins, finally did the trick, buggered my hands in the process) the driveshaft however easily pushed back into the hub, guess I was lucky, only a slight tap with a mallet and the nut on the end of the thread free'd it nicely. Pitty I broke the split pin and nissan wont order a new one unless I go in person, trip to halfords it is then!

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