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for those with vinyl


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For those who have vinyl in your car, what products have you been using to keep it shiny and staying original colour? Mines seems to be fading, wether its the shampoo im using or doing something wrong. Up close theres like black smudges all over. Only noticeable up close, but it looks as if... it was black originally, and the green is fading. Also tar build up, cant clay vinyl?


Need some tips, its losing its lovely green colour :(

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You're supposed to be able to treat vinyl exactly the same as paint.


When doing a full details on mine (vinyl roof) I don't use any compound or polish on the vinyl, but it gets the same shampoo, wax and detailer as the rest of the car, all Meguiars stuff. Mines still good 6 months down the line.

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  On 22/07/2013 at 07:44, cs2000 said:

You're supposed to be able to treat vinyl exactly the same as paint.


When doing a full details on mine (vinyl roof) I don't use any compound or polish on the vinyl, but it gets the same shampoo, wax and detailer as the rest of the car, all Meguiars stuff. Mines still good 6 months down the line.


Mines aint bad, its just I can see the imperfections. If you get like an inch away, u can see the dirt on vinyl that hasnt come on with shampoo. But from normal distance its shiny and clean. I just want it even shinier

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I've never had to 'treat' any of the wraps I have done, purely wash it as per any other car. Beauty of it is it doesnt need polishing! I've used 3M, Arlon and Hexis vinyls in the past and tbh Hexis was the leasst durable of the 3. I found it marked quite easily. You could try isopropyl to get rid of marks on the vinyl, if it is matt vinyl dont even bother trying!!

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  On 22/07/2013 at 08:30, cfoster said:

I've never had to 'treat' any of the wraps I have done, purely wash it as per any other car. Beauty of it is it doesnt need polishing! I've used 3M, Arlon and Hexis vinyls in the past and tbh Hexis was the leasst durable of the 3. I found it marked quite easily. You could try isopropyl to get rid of marks on the vinyl, if it is matt vinyl dont even bother trying!!


Oh, I cant agree more with the statement of marking. Mine was 100% perfect, until it left RT's where it seemingly developed some marks on the way home! not scratches, but almost like swirl marks you get on regular paintwork, but in a straight line. Think its just one of those things.

Edited by cs2000
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Problem with it is people like to touch it to see what matt vinyl feels like.... hence the light scratches.


I remember I was wrapping a customers Ford Puma matt white, he was touching it soon after I had applied it and he left his greasy finger prints all over it, they wouldnt come off!!

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