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finally i have boost!

The Chubby Ninja

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well my fuel return system finally arrived yesterday after seven and a half months! I started fitting it yesterday about 4pm along with the fuel pump and after a few scary fuel leaks :scare: (at one point my drive was soaking wet with fuel :scare: ) I finally got everything bolted up and ready for the test run at 12.30am. I stay in a quiet cul-de-sac and everyone had their windows open because of the heat but I just couldn't wait any longer and I just had to try it :teeth: . turned the key and the engine only turned over once then fired into life :yahoo: . Its running on a base map from abbey just now limited to 4k rpm but it sounds amazing! my only issue is that its not got a consistent idle, it ticks over fine then suddenly drops every 5 seconds. I had a few error code for pedal position sensors and some other things but I reset them with a code reader and they've not come back. My AFR gauge is showing off the range lean on idle but as soon as any throttle is applied it goes very rich to around 10/11. is this safe and ok to drive? the last thing I want to do is cause any damage after so much cost already. next step is an epic road trip from Scotland down to abbey for a mapping session then maybe I can eventually get a build thread done :lol:

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thanks guys. tdi only do N/A tunes at the moment and I thought if I was going to do this I want it done by the guys that have done it before and have plenty experience doing it aswell. wish it was closer but at least I get a good road trip out of it and think im staying the night after mapping around leamington spa and have arranged to meet up with vlad so might see if anyone else around that area is up for a little meet. itl be good to see the faces ive been talking to on this :teeth:

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What have you set your base FP at? (with vacuum pipe dis-conected? I think Mark`s base map is tuned for 38psi.


If your running less pressure it will obviously run a bit leaner. Or you could have a pressure leak in the return system. Did you make sure you put 2no o-rings on the regulator bypass?

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I have issues with mine and always have.

It's set at 1085 rpm as I stuck a PC on it to have a look.

But when driving in a traffic infested 30mph area the throttle seems to get stuck on 1500rpm for about 5-8 seconds b4 eventully returning to 1085. Air con on full blast does help but it needs sorting and time is not on my side at the moment.!

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Remember the car revs need to drop to 850rpm for variable valve timing to become active ;) ask Keyser :) both of us had a similar problem. He was losing loads of power mid range when tuning and it was down to this. Not sure if its only because we have the haltech ecu or if its the standard ecu that does it

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  On 20/07/2013 at 10:47, Darren-B said:

What have you set your base FP at? (with vacuum pipe dis-conected? I think Mark`s base map is tuned for 38psi.


If your running less pressure it will obviously run a bit leaner. Or you could have a pressure leak in the return system. Did you make sure you put 2no o-rings on the regulator bypass?

Mark said to me that the pressure without the vac line attached was to be 42 psi and its sitting around that. I cant quite see exactly because iv mounted it a little too low :wacko: . il try and get my phone in to take a pic and see exactly what its at. I don't seem to have any fuel leaks that I can see but there is a smell of fuel coming from the exhaust but I think that's because its running so lean. if I were to make it less pressure would it let it run a little less rich on the throttle? im just a bit worried that its off the scale lean wise on tickover. when its ticking over the revs sit fine at about 850-900 rpm and just die every now and then but the fuel pressure is constant even when this happens. anybody any ideas? or is it just the map?

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If your smelling fuel - its rich not lean so you will smell it after rev - Mark prolly mapped it rich to keep the engine safe - should just be and expensive drive down - fuel wise that is.


Running a bit lean at tickover should not be a problem for 2 reasons firstly it should not be at tickover much and secondly the engine is not under load at tick over.


Have you road tested yet? mine goes to 10s when I floor it when she is holding RPM drops to 12/13s and mine is mapped slightly rich.


I wouldn't worry about tickover being a little lumpy until after the tune - the idle will prolly be up as the drag of the SC means they struggle to tick over at 650 but un mapped there are so many things that can cause it - I'd only worry if it was doing it after tune.


Also what Maf you using at the moment - stock won't do the job and UP REV will need mapping - just a thought.


Ref my VVT - that was the Haltech and the stock causing me a major headache - now resolved :) But as you have Stock ECU should be no issue.

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  On 20/07/2013 at 14:23, Keyser said:

If your smelling fuel - its rich not lean so you will smell it after rev - Mark prolly mapped it rich to keep the engine safe - should just be and expensive drive down - fuel wise that is.


Running a bit lean at tickover should not be a problem for 2 reasons firstly it should not be at tickover much and secondly the engine is not under load at tick over.


Have you road tested yet? mine goes to 10s when I floor it when she is holding RPM drops to 12/13s and mine is mapped slightly rich.


I wouldn't worry about tickover being a little lumpy until after the tune - the idle will prolly be up as the drag of the SC means they struggle to tick over at 650 but un mapped there are so many things that can cause it - I'd only worry if it was doing it after tune.


Also what Maf you using at the moment - stock won't do the job and UP REV will need mapping - just a thought.


Ref my VVT - that was the Haltech and the stock causing me a major headache - now resolved :) But as you have Stock ECU should be no issue.

thanks keyser that's put my mind at rest a bit. as soon as theres any throttle at all mine goes to 10, can running that rich do any damage? ive just driven upto st Andrews in it and that's nearly an hour and a half drive and its been fine, a bit of a pig at low revs in traffic and a bit jumpy but I think that's just the map, .im running the uprev gt maf sensor from mark so that should be fine. it does sound awesome and you get some funny looks :lol:
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Uprev maf will need mapping then - but spot on for the tune (a must) - If you run too rich too long you can get bore wash but it's unlikley6 - although I would say that the base map although safe was prolly only intended to get you down to Abbey and then Mark can get her on his Dyno.


Don't go ragging it too much mate - get it tuned :)


I would assume he also resticted you too 400rpm though :p

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Woo! Glad its all coming together Steve :) Have a wee play about with the fuel pressure to see if you can get it running a bit better, always handy for future to know what to do if something needs fettled. Shouldn't cause any problems with the map if its only slight changes you make.

A good idle i've found is around 950rpm helps when nearly stalling the car too :blush:


Have your mate look in the engine bay when stationary and yourself at the top of the fuel pump housing for any leaks when you give it a few revs, just in case it ain't coming from the exhaust.


When you booked in to Abbey?


P.S. as Keyser said... take it easy! .... then when its tuned, rag the hell out of it!

Edited by evilscorp
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