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Horsham Developments 4-wire Grounding Kit


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Just wanted to post about the positives of a h-dev grounding kit which went in on Friday.




I must admit, I selected it as a nice bit of colour to liven up the engine bay and match my new red hoses, intake, panel and strut brace. I wasn't expecting to notice anything when driving the car, just when I'm looking at it. I can honestly say I am really pleased with it, not so much the look as I'd hoped - you can't really see it that much with the engine cover on!!!




What I am really pleased with is the difference it has made when driving around town at low speed and especially at idle. I used to get a little kick every 20-40 seconds when idling at lights, this has now totally gone (touch wood) and I also noticed whilst driving around in 2nd/3rd at low revs/low speed the revs pick up (and much more noticeably) drop off more smoothly, straight from cold.


I got it as a styling mod, but it's delivered more of a technical mod than I'd expected. I know they are a little controversial amongst opinions, but I'm really happy and impressed with it. I must admit, the hoses were all changed at the same time, so it could be them, but I don't think hoses would make a difference like this - though I am happy to be corrected by the more experienced and knowledgable people on here.


For £30, I don't think you can go wrong IMHO if you are considering one, especially if you get the occasional rumbles at idle like I did. Thanks for tuning in.

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Whats it actually meant to be for? I have no idea what the grounding kit is


My understanding is that it dissipates voltage which, for whatever reason, builds up in components. Instead of randomly discharging or interfering with ecu signals and sensors, it safely routes them off to ground. I think the controversial bits are (a) you'd imagine nissan would have grounded the car properly, so what difference would it make? (B) the voltages we're talking about are very small, some might say negligible, so they make no odds.


There's some blurb in the link in my original post, which I've now re-read as I bought it quite some time ago before fitting. It neatly captures some of the benefits I mentioned, so I should have already known this stuff! However, I'd also read lots of info saying they were snake oil and not worth it, which is why I only expected a nice cosmetic benefit.

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