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Smudge has a plan!


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A plan so cunning you could brush your teeth with it!


Essentially, I have been very unhappy due to a number of reasons over the last year or so. I work my socks off 5 days a week, come home alone to a depressing and dingy flat to sleep, and then get up for work the next day to do it all over again. The weekend is my outlet for fun, which the majority of my time is spent in/with the Zed as it's my pride and joy


Unfortunately, this situation has led to depression which has hit me so hard in recent weeks, that I've needed to take a huge decision in order to get myself out of it


My flat is lovely - the best thing I could afford at the time of buying it 2 years ago with the idea of turning it into a home for me and the Mrs at the time. Sadly, me and her didn't work out and the flat has since changed from a home to simply some bricks and mortar where my bed just happen to conveniently be placed. So, it needs to go in order for me to move on with my life, buy a new place and have a fresh change of scenery to get me out of this crippling depression before it does something serious to me


Unfortunately, the flat needs work. Needs a new central heating system, decorating throughout and a bit of work on the bathroom. All in all I'm looking at around £5k worth of work before it is up to scratch for selling. I need rid ASAP and it will simply either not sell or take forever to sell in it's current shape. Whilst I have the option of a loan or asking for help from family for this money that I need to invest, I've taken the decision to do this myself without help from the banks or relatives. This sadly means that my beloved Zed will be going :( it is my only real expression of joy in my current state, but it's a sacrifice I have to make for my overall well-being


So, as many of you have seen already, I am currently in the process of splitting the Zed. I have to give a huge thank you to Buster and Keyser at the Zed Shed. Those of you that have been there know how ridiculously enthusiastic, generous and willing they are to help. Supported by a great team with Kim, Net and co. All in all, some of the best people I have met on this forum and generally in life. Thank you so much guys!!!


After some shenanigans last week in which it took 7 hours to change some brake pads and install some braided lines :lol: I was in touch with Chris again to ask if he could help me out yesterday at around 9.30am, eventually turning up at about 1.30pm due to traffic....within 15mins, Bob has the car up in the air, Nismo exhaust off and standard exhaust on. I couldn't believe how QUICK that was!




Also as you can see, my LED rear lights were pinched too!


Then Net turned up, and the discussion of my wheels started. After some hmmm'ing and ahh'ing, my wheels were stolen whilst my back was turned, stuck on Net's car and I was left with some standard alloys :(




A couple of other bits were exchanged for standard parts as well, and with Bob on the verge of passing out due to the heat, I once again thanked everyone for their amazing work and cruised on home, in a much quieter zed


Today was my turn to take the rest of the bits off that I could, which included the removal of the strut brace, Rare JDM cover and motorised number plate, and then taking pictures of everything to put up for sale which I'll be making threads for this afternoon


This decision has taken me an entire week to convince myself I have to do it, and I do HAVE to do it because I do not want to be lending from people. This is for me to control and make happen, so the Zed has to be sacrificed :(


I have made some really great friends on here; those of you that have helped me with the car, planned meets or just given general advice over the past few weeks are amazing! You know who you are :thumbs:


But, I would like to mention a few names for the sake of showing my gratitude for their efforts:


1st and foremost - Bob and Chris (not necessarily in that order, I'll let those 2 fight that one out). Your help over the last couple of weeks in particular has just been life saving, despite me nearly dying from the heat in traffic on the way down both times :lol:


Ian (Wasso) - for putting up with my impeccable taste in plenum spacer colours! And general advice over the time I've been on here


Graham (glrnet) - general organisation of local meets, advice over the the last few weeks and just generally an all round nice guy :thumbs:


Mr Langford (gsexr) - relatively new member but I used to work with his son and has been very supportive over the past few weeks especially


And many others that I just can't think of right now


I will not be going anywhere, will obviously be a bit quiet on here once everything is sold, but I want to keep in the loop and hope to one day get back behind the wheel of a Zed. It is truly the best car I have ever owned and I still cannot believe to this day that you can get so much car for so little money. My car has not let me down once, apart from tiny things like passenger side window motor (or is that a factory fitted option on Zed's? :p ), power steering pump and windscreen washer pump. I hope to sell the Zed onto someone who will keep it on the forum so I can see it looked after as well as I did with mine


Apologies for the essay, just needed to be said. My plans for myself are massive and life-changing, especially at just 23 years old. There is also another element within this plan that I just pray comes to fruition, which is bringing the love of my life of 4 years back to the UK to spend my life with her. She recently moved to Canada and has begun her new life with her family and a new man, but part of the situation I'm in right now is due to her departure which I just haven't been able to deal with. She is my life and soul and I need her back so that I can plan my life with her by my side. She is obviously reluctant to do so seeing as she has her new life, but is slowly considering the idea. She is my absolute world and would make me a completely different person if she was to come back for me


Will keep in touch with everyone on here :thumbs: lookout for some goodies in the for sale section that haven't already been snapped up by the Zed Shed ;)

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Nice words mate and if that's what is needed this so be it. If you love the Zed that much you will for sure be back.


All the best with your ventures and don't be a stranger.


A shame you could never be the proud owner of that spacer, which I'll pop up for sale for you. Let me know what price.


Hope things move on for you how you wish.


All the best


Mr Polish

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Forgive me, and whilst I feel sorry for how you're feeling, but if this other woman is very happy in Canada with her new man and family (kids involved?) then is it not a tad selfish to play the guilt card to get her to come back?


I'm sure I don't have the full story, and if you'd like to PM instead of post here that's cool, but that's the first thing that came to my head. You're only 23, a year younger than I was before my fiancée left me for another bloke and I thought I'd never find someone else, but I did and now I'm married to that person and am happier than ever.

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Thanks Ian


Will be for the price I paid for it, send me over the pictures and I'll stick the thread up :thumbs:


Ekona, when I said her family I meant her mum and sister. She's been with this new guy for 3 weeks, so doesn't even know him and admits that what we had for 4 years would always mean more than anyone else could give to her


Yes it is ultimately me being selfish for making her give up her new life, but it's something I need to do and it's her decision. I'm not forcing her to come back, and if she says that she can't do it then I just have to accept that. But I think she will be coming :) I hope so anyway

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Fair enough, at least you're honest with yourself :thumbs: Is this woman the same one you bought the flat with?


Didn't buy it with her as her credit rating was so poor from being a victom of credit card fraud a few years ago, so bought it by myself but with the intention of it being our home


The new home may be something we do together, depending on what her credit rating is now


But yes, it is the same girl :)

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Sad story my friend. Never met you but totally understand you feelings. However, your a young guy, believe me, their is somebody out their for you !!! It may take time, but don't let your last relationship cloud your life. I gave up on things for a hell of a long time for exactly the same reasons that you are feeling at the moment. Ive now got a little cracker, although im taking things a my pace. Not trying to change your mind because I don't no you, but your well written message and more importantly your depression is really worrying. Hope things work out and if your ever in North Wales, give me a PM and we can hammer a few tins of Stella. Jonny

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I've heard the "plenty more fish" and "someone out there for everyone" saying far too much over the past few weeks :lol:


I get the theory, I get that it applies for most people. But sometimes there comes that 1 person that you would literally do anything for to make them happy. My original plan was to go to Canada to be with her but visa issues could cripple us both 2 years down the line, so just isn't an option really

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I like to see a bit of old fashioned romance, the guy doing what he can to win over a girl :)


You sound like you are gonna put your heart and soul into this, and good luck to you! At the end of the day, if things don't work out how you wanted them too, you will know you have tried your best and not sat back and wondered 'what if'. The old cliche of 'you only live once', don't spend your life wondering..... ;)

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I like to see a bit of old fashioned romance, the guy doing what he can to win over a girl :)


You sound like you are gonna put your heart and soul into this, and good luck to you! At the end of the day, if things don't work out how you wanted them too, you will know you have tried your best and not sat back and wondered 'what if'. The old cliche of 'you only live once', don't spend your life wondering..... ;)


Exactly that Niki! I'm glad you get it :)


There was already something playing on my mind with regards to "what if" when I took her to the airport to go to Canada. We left it as good friends and she made me promise that I wouldn't stop her from going, so I honoured that promise to her even though I wanted to just pour my heart out and make her stay with me


We left my place within plenty of time to get her to Gatwick 3 hours before the flight as you have to do, and the M23 was closed. We sat on it for 4 hours because of the crash scene up ahead being investigated, and it was a moment of "is this a sign?"...."is she meant to stay with me?"


But I was wanting to keep my promise to her so just shut up and respected her wish. Now we both agree that it was definately a sign, but I think ultimately she had to go for me to get to this state of needing her back, so it's all played out how it should, just hope she comes home


Instead of making her come back to the UK . . . You could always go to Canada B)


Going blind Doogy? :p read up fella!!

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Going blind Doogy? :p read up fella!!


Visa issues? If you speak to the right people then you should not have visa issues 2 years down the line. Took us 10 months from temp visa issued to permanent residents.... Maybe we were just lucky :shrug:

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Going blind Doogy? :p read up fella!!


Visa issues? If you speak to the right people then you should not have visa issues 2 years down the line. Took us 10 months from temp visa issued to permanent residents.... Maybe we were just lucky :shrug:


Unfortunately we both have the same problem with health issues which means that her visa is unlikely to renew after 2 years and mine is just no chance

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Yer stick to that story - I won't tell them your stripping all the bling off as you now know GREEN is faster :p




On a more serious note, Always good to see you mate welcome back anytime - even without the Zed :thumbs:


Still be here if you need us - Good Luck with it all, hope it works out.


The Zed Shed Crew

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Yer stick to that story - I won't tell them your stripping all the bling off as you now know GREEN is faster :p




On a more serious note, Always good to see you mate welcome back anytime - even without the Zed :thumbs:


Still be here if you need us - Good Luck with it all, hope it works out.


The Zed Shed Crew


Can't thank you guys enough


Think I might make 1 last visit to get that Y-pipe, and maybe suspension if you're not sick of me by now? :lol:


Good luck Jordan, I hope it all works out for you mate. :thumbs:


Cheers Steve :)

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