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I know how to settle this in the true 350z style. Arrange a place to meet, cars side by side with just a quater mile track ahead, you both race each other... whoever loses has to buy the other a meal and dress up as a woman at the next meet. Sarnie you best buy a dress cos Im putting you out to work :p;):teeth:


Come on Beavis dont be a butthead we still luv ya ;)


It's scary the way your mind works, mate! ;)


I know thats what my mum said. Ive always been in a tied up white suit but never figured out why :wacko:;)

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Hello all, thanks to all those that have PMed me. I have responded to Sarnies PM and i have apologised to him too. Just want to say that is the end to it. I have been wrong too in this and just want you all to know this. Maybe i am a little sensitive at times but the last couple of years of my life have not been easy with the divorce and all. But i am here to stay. Chris i have read your post and you raise a lot of good points which i think warrant consideration. So i am sorry Sarnie :blush:


I think a group hug is required and a drive out. :thumbs:


Again thanks to all for your supportive posts and pm's :thumbs:

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Hello all, thanks to all those that have PMed me. I have responded to Sarnies PM and i have apologised to him too. Just want to say that is the end to it. I have been wrong too in this and just want you all to know this. Maybe i am a little sensitive at times but the last couple of years of my life have not been easy with the divorce and all. But i am here to stay. Chris i have read your post and you raise a lot of good points which i think warrant consideration. So i am sorry Sarnie :blush:


I think a group hug is required and a drive out. :thumbs:


Again thanks to all for your supportive posts and pm's :thumbs:


Good man, :teeth:


Good to have you back, mate :thumbs:

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Welcome back, I didn't get involved because it had nothing to do with me but I am glad you're back posting! :yahoo:


Glad to see a mature solution to a little problem. :D

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Hello all, thanks to all those that have PMed me. I have responded to Sarnies PM and i have apologised to him too. Just want to say that is the end to it. I have been wrong too in this and just want you all to know this. Maybe i am a little sensitive at times but the last couple of years of my life have not been easy with the divorce and all. But i am here to stay. Chris i have read your post and you raise a lot of good points which i think warrant consideration. So i am sorry Sarnie :blush:


I think a group hug is required and a drive out. :thumbs:


Again thanks to all for your supportive posts and pm's :thumbs:


Good man, :teeth:


Good to have you back, mate :thumbs:


Good to see this got sorted out chaps!


Now lets all get back to sorting drive outs and talking about lovely cars! :teeth:

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