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Due to the site arsehole and his **** off statement the other day, i am no longer wishing to be a member of this forum. Quite frankly Sarnie people have been putting up for months of your pathetic worthless posts and comments and it is not the first time you have got on peoples nerves. Blacky and SimonD spring to mind. This site as become totally over run by you. I will see out my karting and Manchester night out do next weekend , but after that i am afraid thats it. Its been great on here until recently and have enjoyed the drive outs especially. And it as been great meeting many of you guys especially on the last drive out. So without further ado and running the risk of dragging the site down further its time to say goodbye. :byebye:

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Guest prescience

Beavis, I and a lot of other people share your frustration (typified by the childish response above) think again please :)


Mods/Admins please consider the options and take a long hard look at what is happening; having said that I'm sure you are - so please let others know how you view this :)

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Beavis, I and a lot of other people share your frustration (typified by the childish response above) think again please :)


Mods/Admins please consider the options and take a long hard look at what is happening; having said that I'm sure you are - so please let others know how you view this :)


Childish response? What like yours here:




If Beavis had a problem, he could of PM'd me at any point but he didn't, he would rather continually snipe. I had said my piece but he had to keep it up yesterday and today.


All I did wrong was pull out of the manchester drinks meet. Then the lynch mob got together to create a witch hunt ;)

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Please guys let's get on. This is not typical of this forum I have to say, unlike others I've been on.


Please remember that words on forums can easily be taken the wrong way.


Beavis plese don't go mate... :thumbs:

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Beavis thats a bit much mate, you dont have to go just because you dont get on with someone.


Guys please sort it out as we should all be friends on here together rather than act like kids.

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come on beavis, and sarnie. Enough is enough. Lets chill and one day soon, make friends again :gathering:


it can be very easy to take the things on a forum the wrong way. Humour doesn't always come accross the correct way. A few of us have been in the same situation. It does get better. Honest :)

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Bloomin eck, just come back from an evening out for drinks with two friends Ive met thanks to this very forum, and the first unread post I read is this. :scare:


I do hope you will reconsider beavis, and Im sure you can bend my ear at the karting about how you feel, though obviously its something that you feel strongly about.


From my personal perspective and experience I can say that there will always be personality conflicts within internet forums - as the number of members continues to rise, the chances of experiencing one of these conflicts increases also.


There have been times when my comments have caused upset to other people, and also times when other peoples comments have caused me upset. While most of the time I have bitten my tongue, there have been occasions when I have perhaps let my emotions rule and I have entered into heated "debate" which has probably not been the wisest course of action.


There have also been times when I have had to try and play United Nations and mediate other conflicts that have arrisen - whether thats part of my role here, or just my nature I dont know, but its something I do, hopefully successfuly.


Beleive it or not there are sometimes minor conflicts within the team of people here - and I believe working through any that arrise is what makes us stronger and hopefully work better together for the benefit of everyone here.


It is a shame when people become upset with others, but as I say, its going to happen given the number of personalities on the forum.


Perhaps we can all take something from this and consider just what we post on the forum, and what can be sent by PM, there is an awful lot of chat that could perhaps be better placed in Private Messages, and although we would never wish to see the forum become clinical and strict, the balance seems to require addressing and bringing back on track.


Beavis, my PM box never gets full (admin perk I suppose :blush: ) feel free to send me one if you want to bend an ear. Sarnie, the same goes for yourself - feel free to send me a message if you feel there is anything I can help with.


Heck, my inbox is open for anyone if they feel they want to chat about the issues raised within this topic.


Chris :)

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Bloomin eck, just come back from an evening out for drinks with two friends Ive met thanks to this very forum, and the first unread post I read is this. :scare:


I do hope you will reconsider beavis, and Im sure you can bend my ear at the karting about how you feel, though obviously its something that you feel strongly about.


From my personal perspective and experience I can say that there will always be personality conflicts within internet forums - as the number of members continues to rise, the chances of experiencing one of these conflicts increases also.


There have been times when my comments have caused upset to other people, and also times when other peoples comments have caused me upset. While most of the time I have bitten my tongue, there have been occasions when I have perhaps let my emotions rule and I have entered into heated "debate" which has probably not been the wisest course of action.


There have also been times when I have had to try and play United Nations and mediate other conflicts that have arrisen - whether thats part of my role here, or just my nature I dont know, but its something I do, hopefully successfuly.


Beleive it or not there are sometimes minor conflicts within the team of people here - and I believe working through any that arrise is what makes us stronger and hopefully work better together for the benefit of everyone here.


It is a shame when people become upset with others, but as I say, its going to happen given the number of personalities on the forum.


Perhaps we can all take something from this and consider just what we post on the forum, and what can be sent by PM, there is an awful lot of chat that could perhaps be better placed in Private Messages, and although we would never wish to see the forum become clinical and strict, the balance seems to require addressing and bringing back on track.


Beavis, my PM box never gets full (admin perk I suppose :blush: ) feel free to send me one if you want to bend an ear. Sarnie, the same goes for yourself - feel free to send me a message if you feel there is anything I can help with.


Heck, my inbox is open for anyone if they feel they want to chat about the issues raised within this topic.


Chris :)


I agree with the majority of what you say Chris :thumbs:


At the end of the day you can't get on with everyone. I've sent Beavis a PM to call time on this issue. He took offence at my post, I took offence at getting rounded upon by (senior) members of the site for totally innocuous reasoning. End of.. Hopefully.



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WTF come on Beavis its Sarnie, If it werent for him I would never of known of this place and he does have a good heart somewhere :teeth::p


Seriously though when I first joined Sarnie really made me feel at home and was there to help me out. Don't go he has pm'd you and is trying, not sure whats gone on with you two..but I can see he is willing to sort things out.


plus Im almost finished with your animated sig what am I meant to do now????? :cry::cry:

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plus Im almost finished with your animated sig what am I meant to do now????? :cry::cry:


I'll have it :p


That was a joke before the lynchmob arrive :wacko:


Ilol I dont get whats going on, we always have a banter but its never got out of hand and at the end of the day its just a laugh... so whats happened for Beavis to take it the wrong way???? Did you touch a nerve? :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

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That was a joke before the lynchmob arrive :wacko:


Sarnie, there is NO lynchmob, so please don't make out there is! :thumbs:;)

(and if you do really believe that then you need to PM me :p )



As for Beavis, I think a lot of its already been said. I don't think that you need to go. I just think that you both chalk this one down to differing views on the way you both handle things and get on with things.


You both a part of this place and would be a shame to loose anyone over this..... ;)

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I know how to settle this in the true 350z style. Arrange a place to meet, cars side by side with just a quater mile track ahead, you both race each other... whoever loses has to buy the other a meal and dress up as a woman at the next meet. Sarnie you best buy a dress cos Im putting you out to work :p;):teeth:


Come on Beavis dont be a butthead we still luv ya ;)

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I know how to settle this in the true 350z style. Arrange a place to meet, cars side by side with just a quater mile track ahead, you both race each other... whoever loses has to buy the other a meal and dress up as a woman at the next meet. Sarnie you best buy a dress cos Im putting you out to work :p;):teeth:


Come on Beavis dont be a butthead we still luv ya ;)


It's scary the way your mind works, mate! ;)

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It'd be a shame to let this become a big point on here. We've all taken exception to posts (mods included) but at the end of the day it is just a forum and you never know what the emotion is behind the comments. If Sarnie has offered an apology then lets move on and we can all enjoy the meets etc. :thumbs:

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