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Hot weather very hot temp readings!


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Usually my temp reading sits a little below the halfway line on the temp reading, but the other day i was parked with the engine idling waiting for a friend, was getting hot so rolled up the windows and turned on the A/C and maxed it out to coldest possible setting, 15mins later i noticed the temperature had climbed close to the H on the temp reading and then i quickly looked at the outside temp reading and it read 32degrees!! So in a panic i switched off the car. When my friend finally came down, i got in the car and decided to turn off aircon, turn on the heating to max and gave it a quick blast to force some air into the engine bay, a few minutes later the temperature finally went down to half way but not as low as it usually sits.


That was 3days ago and the temperature has been fine ever since but is there anything i should actually check to prevent this from happening? Or does idling with aircon on have this effect?


Any ideas? Eg thermostat or fan etc...




Edited by SkylineV35
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Sounds like the fans are failing. Yes, using cold air rather than hot will warm the engine up as you aren't taking the heat away from the block, however the fans should kick in at about half temp reading and keep everything cool.

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I had a look at your Mishimoto complete fan shroud units and they look amazing! But i think my fans are working, im trying to recreate what i did the other day to see if the fans kick in and cutout at somepoint... I will try again today as it is supposed to be really hot today too! I think it might actually have something to do with the aircon being on on idle but normally without aircon on the temp will sit below the middle of temp gauge with no fluctuations in readings or anything.

Edited by SkylineV35
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Had the same issue mate, nice bit of kit you have there !


Yup hope i dont waste it though never soldered before could imagine its something like welding... fingers crossed!


I have soldered since uni but it is not hard, welding is much harder so you will be fine.

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Finally installed only problem with fitment was the too bits at the top that needed a lil bending with sum grips and pliers but nothing too stressful! topt up coolant and waited to hear the fans sing and sing they did sounded like a jet taking off :lol:




PLEASE ANSWER WITH YOUR THEORY ON THIS ONE ANY ANSWERS WELCOME! Quick question is it better for fans to suck cold air into the engine bay... or blow the hot air from inside out of the engine bay??

what does the stock one do?



Edited by SkylineV35
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I'd say blow hot air out as presumably the cooling system and air intake take care of the 'cool' bit so the priority of the fan is to extract the hot bit.


Opinion based on zero experience, knowledge or nouse


But when driving at speed the hot air being pushed out will be cancelled out by air resistance blowing air in will it not? i can understand at idle hot air out is good idea as no air being rammed in.. the fans are two way but im thinking if nissan made it suck cold air in there would be a reason be behind it...

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Interesting. Was the soldering difficult? What guide did you use- looking at the pictures there are 4 wires in the OEM connections- 2 of these wires on each connector are being soldered to one of the two wires on the new fan shroud?


I just used a connections diagram provided by alex, i tested it out and both fans come on instead of the previous one, and aircon sets it off too, whereas the old setup the second fan would kick in when aircon comes on or temp are reallly really hot. Soldering wasnt that bad was a pain in the ass to heat up properly, mental note if ever soldering again dont buy cheapy one lol

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