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Broomers "Zoe: The Zed"

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Well, where do i start?


1st i can finaly say i have managed to get round to doing one of these threads, and making a start on it anyway. I did one of these build threads for my old car on the Golfgti forum page and thought it was a good help to me and others.


(P.S i want to appoligize for my spelling, i am Dsylexic and cant spell for a past time :p haha)


But anyway. My name is Phil, Im from Taunton Somerset, South West. And i just had my 21st back in May this year


My 1st car was a Vauxhall Corsa B 1998 1.0L 987cc (HAHA)

My 2nd car was a Vauxhall Astra 2001 1.6L 16V (had no longer than 4months)

My 3rd car was a VW Golf GTi 2002 1.8Turbo 20V (Very Nippy, Very well loved)

My 4th car IS a Nissan 350Z 3.5L V.6 2004 (Ummm... WOW :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: )


Haha, i must say what a machine, i am now in love with this car, took her for a test drive as i have been thibking for about 6months now about getting one, got a promoton i was looking for back in april, and then June the 9th came took a nice 225mile trip up to Greater Manchester to go for a test drive seen her sitting there and was completely blown away... So that was it, she was MINE haha. the Zed had 53K on the clock with 4 Nissan Stamps on a 2004 plate. she is not a GT or anything but still. is plenty for me :)


But other than that, Enjoy!!!

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Sooo, i have always been a fan of the whole "shaved, Smoothed" look being a prevous Dub head haha, so me and my mate got to work at De-wiperblading her, here are the pics


Pic with the boot plastics of




Finished Result





Edited by Broomers-ZED
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Looking good!

If you got "paint store" or similar shops near by - get them to mix u a can of paint for like a tenner and spray that grommet :) done mine this week! :)

Edited by Vlad
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  On 09/07/2013 at 22:19, Vlad said:

Looking good!

If you got "paint store" or similar shops near by - get them to mix u a can of paint for like a tenner and spray that grommet :) done mine this week! :)


Yea? That's a good shout mate. It allways crossed my mind tho, as I'm not shore when it comes down to spraying rubber but yea. Il look into it.


PM back if I want to Ryply to this. Thanks mate :)

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  On 09/07/2013 at 22:44, Broomers-ZED said:
  On 09/07/2013 at 22:19, Vlad said:

Looking good!

If you got "paint store" or similar shops near by - get them to mix u a can of paint for like a tenner and spray that grommet :) done mine this week! :)


Yea? That's a good shout mate. It allways crossed my mind tho, as I'm not shore when it comes down to spraying rubber but yea. Il look into it.


PM back if I want to Ryply to this. Thanks mate :)

Just take your time with spraying it...I've done it before, and had it primed/painted/lacquered in half a day and it's all gone manky now! So just bought 2 different types of grommets (rubber and plastic), painted them - leaving 24hrs between each coat, and it came out great! Was twisting rubber grommet in every way - and paint twists with it without cracking etc! Will fit one of them on Saturday and will let u know what grommets are the best for the job :)

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  • 3 months later...

Went and brought this in aid to get the old one of, what a beast this tool is :p




Up on ramps








Defiantly going to buy some De-Cats soon, as the Milltek sounds nice... at first it was a tad quitter than the standard OEM exhaust, but after 400-500 miles it beaded in and sounds abit louder and a lot nicer now, also feels abit sharper on throttle response...

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De Cats arrived whoooop, now to fit them :)








All fitted, sounds amazing and not to loud as well. I was worried that it be loud even on tick over, but 1st was to drive under the train station bridge in town and roll the windows down... WOW that's sound going under a bridge like that is incredible. Puts a smile on my face every time.

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Fair play. Good to see someone having a go at doing it themselves. Did the de-Cats throw up an EML light then? or is it all good so far?. I've always gone the sports Cat route as can't be bothered with the hassle it can cause sometimes with MOT's. Not a problem though if you've got a "friendly" MOT guy. ;) ;) Bet it sounds ace. :thumbs:

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yes it did mate. So I will have to get that sorted but from what I no... I think that's commen for the Zeds ECU to do tht? im planning on going up Abbey Motersport to get them to do a few bits to it :p


and yea I see your point I never work weekends so thought every weekend before the MOT il just spare myself 2hrs to do it, but yea may have to get friendly with my local MOT man now haha.


yes sounds lush buddy, I think im going to do a few vids now? if I zap the throttle up to 2000-2500RPM its got a loverly rumble as it drops down, if I floor it from 4000RPM its rasphy. but yea in love with it :)

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You can buy code readers from eBay for around £30 which I believe can also clear the EML light if it bothers you but if your going up to Abbey then they'll sort that out for you no problem I'd expect. The Zeds V6 sounds lovely with the standard exhaust at higher rpm so I bet it sounds awesome with the new exhaust & de-Cats your running. I'm hoping to get mine sorted out next year ~ still deciding on what exhaust system I want to go for so I'll keep an eye on your build for if you do get a video done. B);)

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yea man il leave Abbey to do that :)


and yes il keep you posted about that got some spare time tomoz so I may do one then... if I am perfectly honest I would of been happier with a (cheap exhaust) say Scorpoion one, my mate just brought a cat back Scorpioin black tip exhaust, and it sounds lush... and for half the price to :/ my milltek cost me £800 on offer to! his was like £450ish, but then I guess (as weird as this sounds) mine sounds more... Professional, than his Chavy sounding one, personaly I would chose his Chavy one over mine... but yet, im still extremely happy with how it sounds now. :)

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