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Poker?? Who Plays?


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have a game on line now and again on pacific poker (888.com) on the practise tables and also on xbox live. Played 4 games for real omney with friends and not lost so far on these.


Like the 888 games but totally different mindset to playing for real. No bluffing can be done or if you do it's very hard to pull it off.

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Had some p****d games won some, lost most. Got more drunk.


Played a fair bit at Christmas with the missus' family but we played for shots. Only the winner missed out. That was a very bad day. Its fair to say by the end I wasn't very well, although I put that down to a dodgy bit of turkey :blush: .

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Ive never played before but really really wanna learn. Is it luck or is it becoming good and finding out who are bluffers??? Sounds like such a cool psychological game, better than chess with more at stake.


Can someone teach me the rules and what the most popular version of Poker there is.


I think there is one call Barbeque hold em up or something like that :blush:

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Texas hold um is pretty simple. Each player gets two cards then a round of betting. Then three community cards are dealt, then a round of betting. Then another community card and a round of betting. A fifth community card is dealt, another round of betting. The players make up the best 5 card hand from their two cards and the five community cards.


I'm sure someone could explain better! :blush:

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Zedrush - the easiest Poker to learn is Texas Hold 'em. It's great to watch on TV too (seriously); Bravo have a few Poker shows which I tend to watch mainly (Superstar Poker, World Series, Cash Poker).


Big Blind and Small Blind refer to the amount of money the players to the LEFT of the dealer have to pay before getting dealt their cards. However, in friendly games at home, most people I know Ante Up £1 instead of BB and SB.


Then, each player is dealt 2 cards. And a round of betting ensues. Either Bet, Check (don't bet) or Fold.


After 'burning' a card, the dealer lays out 3 communal cards. And another round of bets ensue.


Then another 'burn' and the Turn card (communal) comes. Then some more betting.


Then another 'burn' and The River card (communal) comes. Then some more betting.


The guys with the best hand from his 2 plus communal wins.


Hand ranks:

TJQKA suited is a Royal Flush (1:650,000 chance)

56789 suited is a Straight Flush (consecutive cards of the same suit)

4 of a kind

Full house (3 of one card, 2 of another - AAAKK is best)

Flush (5 cards of the same suit)

Straight (consecutive cards, regardless of suit)

3 of a kind

2 pair

1 pair

High Card (Ace high being best)


Check our www.pkr.com, download the game and get playing with FREE money! :thumbs:

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Cheers for the explanation that dont sound to complex surprisingly...maybe we should have a meet and play with toothpick or buy casino chips to get in the know of things..


now what about strip poker how does that work? :teeth:

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Me too!!! :teeth:


Texas Hold-em is great to play. Its about the luck of your hand, how you play your hand, reading other people in case they are bluffing etcc. (i seem to be good at this) and basically just having fun and abit of banter. I only learned the game last year, you really need to play to learn the game. Just do it with a few friends and see what happens. Its really easy to play once you know the basic rules, the fun really starts when you can play mind games. When money is involved it becomes a completely different kettle of fish! haha

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I disagree, its not luck of the hand at all, its how you play the other people off each other and yourself. Always remember you are playing other peoples hands not yours, you need to work out what they have, it doesnt matter what you have really.

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Hi guys

I have been playing 'bricks and mortar' (Thats the term for live games as opposed to on line games) for three years now at least once a fortnight and often more. Each year I go to france with 'the boys' for a three or four day poker fest. (Theres lots of beer and food as well)

I run a league, called 'Texas Mings' with over 60 members and the twice monthly game is tournament based with over 40 starters.

I play on line most nights - I am playing now - and have on occasion played in both cash games and at casino's.


In September Mrs Ming and I go to Las Vegas for a week long poker orgy!!

Last year I made about $400 on line and about £100 cash.


Add to that that at the moment I am the SECOND BEST player in our house. Mrs Ming is the most feared player in the league and is not called the 'black widow' for nothing. (There are several other names she is called as she destroys the male ego and confidence but none I would type on here)

This year I am £200 up in cash and, between us, Mrs Ming and I are about $1200 up on line (We paid for our week in the Monte Carlo hotel in Vegas on the back of our winnings) Mrs Ming is about £600 up.

We usually play no limit hold'em but also play omaha and pineapple (both versions of Texas Hold'em) and I enjoy 'cash games'

In my opinion the only way to learn is to play ... BUT .. play with people who understand the game. 5 or 6 beginners sitting down to play takes the fun out of the game.


And you must play for money. No money = no reason to play properly.

Ming the poker Mad!!

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  Emperor Ming said:
And you must play for money. No money = no reason to play properly.


Couldn't agree more. Serious money changes the way you play entirely.


My poker name is the Ragin' Cajun......... because I don't take too kindly to being punished on the river. :angry:

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  Emperor Ming said:
Hi guys

I have been playing 'bricks and mortar' (Thats the term for live games as opposed to on line games) for three years now at least once a fortnight and often more. Each year I go to france with 'the boys' for a three or four day poker fest. (Theres lots of beer and food as well)

I run a league, called 'Texas Mings' with over 60 members and the twice monthly game is tournament based with over 40 starters.

I play on line most nights - I am playing now - and have on occasion played in both cash games and at casino's.


In September Mrs Ming and I go to Las Vegas for a week long poker orgy!!

Last year I made about $400 on line and about £100 cash.


Add to that that at the moment I am the SECOND BEST player in our house. Mrs Ming is the most feared player in the league and is not called the 'black widow' for nothing. (There are several other names she is called as she destroys the male ego and confidence but none I would type on here)

This year I am £200 up in cash and, between us, Mrs Ming and I are about $1200 up on line (We paid for our week in the Monte Carlo hotel in Vegas on the back of our winnings) Mrs Ming is about £600 up.

We usually play no limit hold'em but also play omaha and pineapple (both versions of Texas Hold'em) and I enjoy 'cash games'

In my opinion the only way to learn is to play ... BUT .. play with people who understand the game. 5 or 6 beginners sitting down to play takes the fun out of the game.


And you must play for money. No money = no reason to play properly.

Ming the poker Mad!!


Ming I think you may have a gambling addiction :scare:;)

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  monkfish said:
  Emperor Ming said:
And you must play for money. No money = no reason to play properly.


Couldn't agree more. Serious money changes the way you play entirely.


My poker name is the Ragin' Cajun......... because I don't take too kindly to being punished on the river. :angry:


Played a live game last night, 46 runners at £20 a head. Just 11 of us left. The call is 1000 chips, there is one caller and then 1 raise to 6000 chips before me. I have 16000 chips and call all in with Ace King off suit, the initial 1000 chip caller folds, the guy that raised to 6000 adds the extra 10000 chips. Dealer calls to show cards , he as ace/jack i have ace /king, so i am ahead. Flop comes with 3 low cards so i am still winning, turn card nothing then its all down to the river and guess what? Yep a jack appears.!! :rant::rant::rant: So thats it i am out i would have been elevated to about fourth highest chip leader but instead i am going home. Was not too mad because i think i played right. Any one think different? Enjoyed the night but took non of the loot home. :thumbdown:

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  beavis said:
  monkfish said:
  Emperor Ming said:
And you must play for money. No money = no reason to play properly.


Couldn't agree more. Serious money changes the way you play entirely.


My poker name is the Ragin' Cajun......... because I don't take too kindly to being punished on the river. :angry:


Played a live game last night, 46 runners at £20 a head. Just 11 of us left. The call is 1000 chips, there is one caller and then 1 raise to 6000 chips before me. I have 16000 chips and call all in with Ace King off suit, the initial 1000 chip caller folds, the guy that raised to 6000 adds the extra 10000 chips. Dealer calls to show cards , he as ace/jack i have ace /king, so i am ahead. Flop comes with 3 low cards so i am still winning, turn card nothing then its all down to the river and guess what? Yep a jack appears.!! :rant::rant::rant: So thats it i am out i would have been elevated to about fourth highest chip leader but instead i am going home. Was not too mad because i think i played right. Any one think different? Enjoyed the night but took non of the loot home. :thumbdown:


What a pisser, mate!! :angry: But then again, that's poker. And that's why I'll never play it with more money than I can afford to lose. :)

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