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oil psi low


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Ive not done many miles since last service, maybe 7 or 8k. But still been a long time :/ ill check oil pressure tomorrow, I might do oil change til I get p3 at end of the month.


When I turn steering wheel 180degrees with clutch in while driving the oil light comes on jntil I straighten wheel. Not sure if that means anything.


With the p3, am I able to do that myself, or is it too difficult? Got no money for p3 atm but I di need p1 just now I think

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If you cant be bothered or can`t afford to check the oil level then you probably shouldn`t be driving the car. Normally if the oil light shows when running you have already done more than enough damage than the cost of a litre or 20 of oil :scare:

Edited by Darren-B
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It's not burning any Dean as i followed you last saturday for about 15 miles back from Brighton and not a wiff of oil.

I did have a car do that to me.

It was a ex police Rover p6V8. It used a litre of oil a day.

You knew when it wanted topping up as when you go round a bend the oil light came on as the oil slopped about.

I thought though does occure.

Has it got an extended oil pan? And if so I wonder if they extended the oil pick up feed pipe.

Just a thought:)

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a litre of oil a day :lol: . it sounds like it used more oil than fuel! :lol:

I was using it as a mini cab when I came out of Army.

Front offside suspension collapsed on the kingswood Roundabout near reigate Hill so I abandoned it.

Not the most ideal car for mini cabbing, especially as i broke down with carberation problems at Clapham south tube during the brixton riots. No one would come out and rescue me:(

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