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Front indicators can't decide whether they want to work or not....


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So my indicators are right little temperamental buggers. One minute they are working just fine and then the next minute they're flashing quicker than a New Monkey rave strobe. Any ideas on how to stop this potential harbinger of death? The bulbs obviously work alright because I've seen the blighters in action.


Do it nice or do it twice!



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I haven't changed the bulbs like so can't be sure of the incorrect bulb problem. It's a pain in the backside checking too because I have to take the front wheels off! It's both sides like and it's the front bulbs only.


Do it nice or do it twice!



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Is it both sides or just one? My guess is you have a loose connection somewhere, thats why it's flashing so fast, because one of the indicators isn't working.

Above or probably a dirty or rusty bulb socket. (hit a bump good contact,hit a bump bad contact)

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