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Forum lurker on the hunt for a Z

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Hi all,


Been a member on here for just over 5 years so thought it about time I posted. The reason I joined up initially was my father had a 350z and was having the problem with the airbag light staying on. A bit of searching on here and a cure was found.


I had the pleasure of using his car quite often. It was a 54 plate 276 model. I found it a very good all round car. I didn't really appreciate how fast it was at the time due to owning a modified hawkeye STi impreza but I loved the seating position and the fantastic exhaust note.


Fast forward 5 years and I'm now in the market for a 370z. I'm a massive fan of the looks and the interior has come on leaps and bounds imo. I'm not 100% sure which colour I'm after just yet but I definitely want a gt model for the wheels and interior toys. There are a couple of thing I'm not totally up to speed on and I was wondering if someone could help me out. I know some of these thing may have come only on a special edition or from a certain model year onwards:


Keyless entry


Synchro rev match

Premium connect with Bluetooth.


Any info would be much appreciated and will help me looking for the right age and model edition.




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Thanks for the warm welcome guys. From reading reviews and watching a million videos online I feel the Z will cover so many bases that I can enjoy it and keep it for a while. I'm a serial car buyer and most cars are lucky to last 6-12 month in my possession before I get bored or something else catches my eye. I've had in excess of 50 cars now at the ripe old age of 30 so I'm looking to slow that down a bit and that's where the z comes in. I do roughly 10-12k miles a year so my main car needs to have the toys and gadgets I mentioned in my first post along with others such as cruise control, nav and xenons.


I took a test drive of the new GT86 as I thought with its good looks and sterling reviews plus the great kits it comes with as standard, it would be a worthy purchase. Turns out most of the hype is just that, hype. It's pretty plasticky, sounds terrible under load and is about as swift as an ep3/dc5 but without the vtec. Seating position, steering, handling balance and kit level are top notch tho but perhaps at a lower price point.


I'm currently running a facelift 05 DC5 integra type r and a 95 celica GT4. The Honda will be leaving to be replaced by the Z but the GT4 will be kept as its my toy.


Has anyone any info on the above question I asked regarding which model year if any did those extras come on the 370z.




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