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If you have modded your Xbox 360 and use live beware


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Forwarded this onto my mate who has a chipped Xbox, he's said he's not worried though because he's been assured by the guy that did it that the chip he has used is more advanced.


So, what he's saying is that this lad has more advanced technology than Microsoft.


I've just about stopped laughing although I don't think my mate saw the funny side as much as me!!!!!



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Actually - there is some truth in what your friend says.


With the previous xbox, "chipping" was fairly easy to detect, as the chip bypassed and forged certain elements on the main motherboard of the machine, and had its own bios running on the box. Very easy to detect online by some clever software.


The problem for MS this time round, is that in order for a machine to be "chipped", you do not need to modify any chips on the main board at all, its actually the firmware of the dvd drive that is modified. The dvd drive passes relevant codes to the main hardware to verify an original disc is in the machine, and hey presto, it works.


It is very difficult for MS to develop any software that will run on the main console that can investigate the status of firmware on the DVD drive, aspecially if this Firmware on the DVD drive is pre set to give the "right" answers.


To be fair, for me, losing the enjoyment I get from playing on line is not worth the risk of chipping in order to play pirate games, though its always funny to see people moan on the xbox forums whe their consoles stop working. Unlucky.

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There are lots of posts and its quite interesting. Seems that the recent dashboard update is the likely source of the problem - in that it checks the FW on the drive to see if its been updated.


The other rumoured reason is more likely to people using beta versions of crackdown (ironic game title now it would seem) to download the Halo3 beta. Crackdown was a Microsoft game and was leaked a couple of weeks before official launch.


If you wanted to catch all the people with modded consoles, then what better way to offer them a free Halo3 download via a trojan horse copy of another game

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The only solution for people that have been caught using hacked boxes is to buy another box (the ban the xbox serial number from Xbox live I think) and sign up with a new xbox live account.


I think any gamer tag found using a hacked xbox is banned also. So a new gamer card may be needed too.


To be honest trying to work round MS security to play online with pirated games or a hacked xbox is always going to be tricky, and the penalties always severe too.


Chalk it down to experience and play it by the book next time I would suggest to him

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you won't need a new gamertag, its just the box they are banning (Luckily).


So if you have a hard disk you could buy a core (£149 from boots currently) and then put your existing hard drive with profile onto that.


I agree M$ will always catch you in the end and its now going to be a cat and mouse game between them and the hackers, unless you have spare cash every time they do a dash update you might as well play by the book

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Yeah, I'll tell him that (once I've stopped laughing at him :teeth: ), although he seems pretty clued up on what he's lost out on.


It seems to me that all your really doing here, if you do avoid it in the short term, is just playing a really big game of cat & mouse. With the money available to MS (if they decided to really employ it) then ultimately you've no chance.

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Yes the 8 months of playing the system is at an end, everybody knew they would put a stop too it


Actually if your cynical then its a good ploy. They let people get away with it so they sell more consoles, they then ban people and they again sell more consoles :p


You don't get that rich by being stupid

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I've been reading up on this subject all over the www since it happened, and I can tell you that M$ have made a huge mistake.


I bought my console in Febuary, bought a game pack and purchased a couple of other games. since then I've spend a fortune on it... downloads from the market place, points , at least 2 games a month and guess what...I'm banned & furious.


I've not done anything to my console except use origional games, non of this firmware stuff, no chips & I still got banned. I've been on to M$ support at least a dozen times, only to be greeted with some foriener (no offense meant to forieners) who tells me I must have bought it second hand or must have altered it in some way as to violate thier terms of service, so I should go buy a new one


I'm fookin livid & after doing some research it seems I'm not alone.


I had an origional xbox which I had chipped, put in a bigger HDD and always expected never to use it on live, so this time I played by the book. I've written to watchdog and they've told me I'm amongst thousands of others who've had their 360's banned for no reason.


M$ are arseholes and unless this is sorted I will NEVER buy any of their products again.. but so what, I'm pennies compared to thier billions

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They are in for a problem if indeed the number does run into thousands, i would hazzard a guess that they might have to unban everyone and start again - unless of course they unban the ones who claim nothing wrong has been done and then run checks on them again


If they did ban the serial numbers manually, then it makes sense if there are alot they could have made mistakes with some digits and this is probably why some people who didn't do anything wrong have got banned


Hope you get it sorted

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Admittedly, there will be people who have opened, modified their 360's, that will rant about being banned & claim their innocense, but the problem I've had with xbox support & with the official forums is that they're tarring everyone with the same brush., they even locked my thread when I asked for an explanation . I offered to send my 360 back to microsoft for them to inspect it, but they refused.

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Picking up on your point about the oficial forums, I would suggest that whenever anyone feels any moderation on any forum on the planet is harsh, take a look at the microsoft xbox forums - specifically the UK section.


Some of the worst over the top moderation I have ever seen.


If you contact Major Nelson, he may be able to help - he has been known to take action on individual issues, also a chap on the MS xbox forums with the name Lucky X13 who works for MS has been known to help out too.


Other than that its a case of continuing efforts with Microsoft support.


Or look up how you file a bbb complaint (us based watchdog type organisation I think) MS are responding once in receipt of one of those, and usually its a higher ranking individual that gets back, someone who can sort the problem out.

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