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who to call your uncle and auntie


who to call uncle and auntie  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. if a woman marries your uncle (mother or fathers brother), do they become your auntie

    • yes
    • no

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Been having an argument with the missus over who to call uncle and auntie. Im from scotland shes from reading, not sure if this is where the different view lies.


My opinion : an uncle or auntie is only in the bloodline. I.e. your mothers sister, dads brother.


MIssus opinion: if a woman marries her uncle, she wiuld become her auntie as she has married into the family.


My Argument against that view is auntie/uncle is bloodline family which cant change. If your uncle keeps divorcing and remarrying, you have consistantly changing family.


Your opinions please :)


EDit: on a note, missus calls them by their title, I.e. uncle jim and his wife auntie jane. Where as my family would be auntie jacqueline and her husband graham. (Although j dont actually call them auntie when I see them)

Edited by ddcboyle
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This isnt going well for me. I was so confused when she said a husband becomes uncle in the family. Seems normally and stated kn the dictionary. But to me it doesnt make sense, anyone up north take my view? Trying to work out if its scottish, my family, or just me. My mum and dad are the only couple still married jn my family so theres no refernce I could use as aunties and uncles are all single now.. lol.

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  On 25/06/2013 at 09:45, Clarkie said:

I'd agree with your other half, also we tend to refer to very close female family friends as auntie. I have 2 'bloodline' aunties and about 3 or 4 'other' aunties

same in our family,


and sometimes even we're called anunt and uncle by our friends when they are talking to their kids. who we have no blood line to or relation

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I can understand a close family friend being called uncle. I.e. id want my kids to call my best friend uncle, but thats because they would act like an uncle. Im not sure on calling them auntie or hncle simply because they are married to your family. They could be the worst uncle in the world lol.


What everyone says makes sense, ill need to speak with my parents and see if our family does it ( or if they would have done if my auntie/uncles were still married)

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  On 25/06/2013 at 09:53, ddcboyle said:

Im not sure on calling them auntie or hncle simply because they are married to your family. They could be the worst uncle in the world lol.


They could be your fathers brother and be an axe wielding murderer, he would still be your uncle ;)

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  On 25/06/2013 at 10:11, Ricey said:

If thats an argument try this - I've got 'Aunties' and 'Uncles' who are no more than kindly older people who my nan's mates with!


I Do understand things like that though.


For me, bloodline uncle is your uncle no matter what.


Close family friend is known as uncle because they treat your children like their own and act like a role model.


Ur aunties husband being an uncle... u didnt choose that, not is it blood related. Just random. :lol:

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If anything it should be like the step-dad situation. It isnt ur father and you can call him bob all the time. But if you truely feel like hes a good role model, you choose to call him dad. But not because a dictionary said so, but out your own choice.


So id say your aunties husband would be bob, but if you felr a connection you call him uncle.


Just wierd the ddictionary tells you hes your uncle, and thats generally it haha. (Im not saying dictionary is the law) :p

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I've got a similar thing I never understood. My aunt had a child who my sister is god mother to as there is some 20 years between them and my sister and aunt where close. Now that child calls my sister aunty THAT CONFUSES ME SO MUCH! it's like why! But I'm northern and from a mining village so probably inbred 5 times over anyway.......

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Also as pointed out by my better spoken other half all of my relatives are referred to as "our" anyway. For example I'm "our martin" like there's another martin in the background that I don't know about haha!

Edited by elfman
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  On 26/06/2013 at 13:54, elfman said:

Also as pointed out by my better spoken other half all of my relatives are referred to as "our" anyway. For example I'm "our martin" like there's another martin in the background that I don't know about haha!


So what do other Martin's get referred to as?


A Martin?

The Martin?

Your Martin?

His Martin?

Her Martin?


Or is it a possession thing?!

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  On 26/06/2013 at 13:54, elfman said:

Also as pointed out by my better spoken other half all of my relatives are referred to as "our" anyway. For example I'm "our martin" like there's another martin in the background that I don't know about haha!


'Our' is a very Northern thing.


Specifically we use 'Our Kid' round my neck of the woods although to be fair I think thats a scouseism that we've adopted.

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Try this one - My mother is on her 4th Marriage.


So strictly speaking that means I have numerous Aunts and Uncles.

So presumably they are Step Aunts or Uncles, like I have Step Dad No 1, No 2 No 3 !!! :-)


But what is one of the Aunts or Uncles then remarries - does that make them a Step. Step Aunt or Uncle ?


(As it happens - I have a smaller family than most, as most the husbands an their families got lost on the way)

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