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Alloa asda accident today!

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Just knew it would be an OAP when I seen the micra. should have to retake your driving test every 5 years when you get your bus pass, would save a shed load of accidents and near misses.



Would save even more if we got drivers aged 17-30 off the road. Older drivers have less accidents are far less likely to drink and drive or use a mobile phone when driving. The only thing I would like to see is an eye test every 5 years from the age of 60-80 and then every 12 months after that.



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today at the asda petrol station in alloa Scotland an OAP decided to drive right through the glass front of the shop :scare::lol:



You know it was an OAP for a fact?


Only that a family member sells s/h cars that are under £1k and he has sold many of those Micras to new drivers, for both price and insurance reasons. :shrug:

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My biggest gripe about them is their reaction times. 17-30 may be a bit wreckless but its all part of the learning curve that is driving at least they can react when they make a mistake. Yes they are less likely to be on the phone but the drink driving is much different, they are from a generation where you could be hammered and all the police would do is tell them to get home(herd plenty of wild stories from older guys when this topic comes up at work). As the years have went on its became a more serious thing but most still have the mindset that a few pints doesn't make any difference or if they feel fine they are fine.

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but the drink driving is much different, they are from a generation where you could be hammered and all the police would do is tell them to get home(herd plenty of wild stories from older guys when this topic comes up at work). As the years have went on its became a more serious thing but most still have the mindset that a few pints doesn't make any difference or if they feel fine they are fine.



Depends what you mean by older guys I guess, if you're talking about 40-50 year olds well yeah, but we're talking about over 60's here. The facts are quite clear drivers of 60+ are far less likely to drink drive, I'll back this up with some Department of Transport figures from 2010. Here are the number of people who failed breath tests that year grouped by age.


Less than 17 Men 9...........Women 1

17-19 Men 240.......Women 68

20-24 Men 674.......Women 165

25-29 Men 532.......Women 105

30-34 Men 413.......Women 99

35-39 Men 287.......Women 89

40-49 Men 439.......Women 168

50-59 Men 227.......Women 79

60-69 Men 104.......Women 27

Over 70 Men 50..........Women 13


And here's the number of drivers killed in Drink Drive Accidents


Motorbikes 16-24.......20

Over 60...........0


Other vehicles 16-24.........210

Over 60.............................20


I will concede that years ago there was a tendency for those who were driving before the drink drive laws came in to not really take much notice of it but they're now long gone. I'm probably one of the youngest drivers who drove before that law came in and I'm 64 now :scare: .



Edited by JetSet
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I agree It was a long time ago and statistics point towards the youth being the problem, but statistics are only of the people who were caught. Yes there is defiantly a lot more younger people who get legless and think its a great idea to go for a joy ride(usually having an accident or somehow drawing attention to themselves) but its also just as easy to be over the limit and still look and drive normal. Generally people over 30ish won't get pulled randomly by the police for a "spot check" as they have no reason to usually, insured, taxed, driving sensible, look fine so the few glasses of wine they had with their dinner or quick pint or two after the golf or work don't matter as there is no reason for them to be pulled to get found out. Where as youths in chaved up cars will get pulled quite often for a check which then the beer they had with their dinner can be smelled from there breath and they'll get done. I'm not saying i'm right your wrong, just that drink driving (don't mean being legless just being over the limit) goes on a lot with older people totally unintentionally and will keep doing so as they are less likely to be caught and don't see it as dangerous as they aren't actually drunk. Good on you for still driving fast cars and not luxury barges at your age, I sometimes struggle getting in and out the 350z at 24!

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I agree It was a long time ago and statistics point towards the youth being the problem, but statistics are only of the people who were caught. Yes there is defiantly a lot more younger people who get legless and think its a great idea to go for a joy ride(usually having an accident or somehow drawing attention to themselves) but its also just as easy to be over the limit and still look and drive normal. Generally people over 30ish won't get pulled randomly by the police for a "spot check" as they have no reason to usually, insured, taxed, driving sensible, look fine so the few glasses of wine they had with their dinner or quick pint or two after the golf or work don't matter as there is no reason for them to be pulled to get found out. Where as youths in chaved up cars will get pulled quite often for a check which then the beer they had with their dinner can be smelled from there breath and they'll get done. I'm not saying i'm right your wrong, just that drink driving (don't mean being legless just being over the limit) goes on a lot with older people totally unintentionally and will keep doing so as they are less likely to be caught and don't see it as dangerous as they aren't actually drunk. Good on you for still driving fast cars and not luxury barges at your age, I sometimes struggle getting in and out the 350z at 24!

I completely agree

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Its ok to suggest renewing your driving license when you get a bus pass until its your turn and you won`t be so sure its a good idea then.


Yes some old people have a slower reaction time but i think one of the main reasons for accidents these days is that cars are just so sanitised and easy to drive with great brakes that everyone thinks they are a racing driver.

People drive close and brake late because the cars are so capable. This cause trouble when trying to pull out at roundabouts and junctions and all the cars coming at yer are braking so late you never get an easy gap to pull out into.

I ride bikes as well and being an old git am aware of how fast i can appear at a roundabout so in fairness to someone trying to pull out if i arrive at high speed i dont expect them to see me in time so have to accept that it would be partly my fault if they did pull out.

Thats something the youth dont think about as they are still at a stage in life where everything is someone else fault.


We`ve all been there and thats what makes us smile with an inner calm when their getting all worked up over something trivial.


Its the road not a race track....i know thats a shame but thats just the way it is.

If you want to hoon about then get up early.... oh yeah another youth problem...lol :lol:

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