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Don't worry darling... I won't be touching this one....


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  On 18/06/2013 at 17:11, glrnet said:

If you think it's a nice car then it's a nice car, doesn't matter one jot what anyone else thinks :) And welcome to my world of Zeditis :yahoo:



ZEDITIS - Graham I wouldn`t be suprised to see this in the 2014 edition of the Oxford dictionary

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So... didn't take many pics, so apologies - but here for starters is the terrifying state of my previous discs.




And here is the new ones on all nice 'n' shiny :)






Yes, i know the curbing on the RAYS is appalling, but they're being re-done thankfully :)

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Lastly, and completely off topic. This turned up in my work today...




Mmmmmmmm... finished in essentially Temper Orange... and it's a V6 :D Natural progression when these start coming down in price!

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Anyway, back to the original list....


  • Exhaust system changed
  • The near-side lower control arm change
  • It needs 2 new rear tyres (fairly obvious)
  • The Brake discs have a HUGE lip on them
  • Oil/Filter change needed
  • It had been in a small prang at some point, front near-side panel alignment was WAY out
  • No kick-up from headlights
  • Drivers' side mirror is severely cracked

Nearly through all the essential bits and pieces now...!! :D

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Also, sprayed the K1 bungs black tonight, been running the car without the bungs for the last couple of days... christ it's deafening...


(Not the exhaust, the Mrs whining...)


Will post pics up once they're in tomorrow!

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i have the same exhaust.. i luv the sound more with the bungs in as it really rasps at 3k but it looks so much better with no bungs!


Spraying the bungs though that's a brilliant idea!


What you spraying them with though that will actually work ? thought it would melt off?

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Well not much done recently to be honest. Not had time, and a little low on monies this month.


Just out of curiosity, would anyone like to hazard a guess at how much I'd get for my Satin black Rays? (assuming I had them refurbished) They're all wearing Sport Conti 3s. (A personal favourite tyre of mine...) Was thinking about getting some 527s... Would need about £600 really I guess.

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Soo... I did well enough at work to earn a day off today! Boom! So all this kicked off, courtesy of Tinyflier (Dave)...


Thoughts and opinions welcome!




Obviously the lower semi-circle came off too lol.



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Hmm... Question for anyone who's feeling bored. Looking at getting 10j wide wheels at the moment. Are they gonna be far too wide or just about right?


Anyone got any pics of theirs with 10js on them?

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  • 1 year later...

Good God... just found my oId thread!!!


There's so many different mods now Iying in my spare room that there shouId be a decent update on this in January.


Does anyone eIse have this probIem? Buying a shed Ioad of parts and having no time to fit them IoI??

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  On 26/11/2014 at 23:15, benjy88 said:

Does anyone eIse have this probIem? Buying a shed Ioad of parts and having no time to fit them IoI??


Yeah haha well not shed loads yet, but the way im going it will be soon! :lol: Just saving up more money so i can get the items on the car!

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WeII, my current Iist of unfitted parts is as foIIows:


Aftermarket HeadIights

Samco hose kit

Carbon Fibre engine Bay cover

Reversing Camera


New wheeI nuts

Bonnet struts

Boot struts

Carbon Fibre mirror caps...


My issue now is that I want to do the whoIe Iot at the same time haha. Just to change the car compIeteIy in a day :D Maybe the first Sunday of Dec I'II do it in the workshop... WeIcome to join in the fun Mouthy. :)

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