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Getting married today


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Well folks the day in finally upon me and I am going to be walking down the isle today about 2pm........eeeeekkkk. Excited and nervous all in one. So you can all have a wee beer around 2 o clock and think that another poor man has been sent to the slaughter of marriage :p


Irfan and our very own Neil p are coming to Laura and I's big day........ so lets see if they manage to stay quiet for a change lol.


I will see you all on the dark side.




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Cannot wait big man! :thumbs:


Gonna quick detail the car but Nicole said I'm not allowed to bring it as its too hard for her to get in and out of in a dress... I'm gonna use reasonable force to get her to change her mind lol

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  On 07/06/2013 at 07:39, Beavis said:

Aisle !! Jay



All the best Jay :yahoo:


The whisky is working then............. ;) Sorry Aisle......... I should really know that..... went to catholic school for all my days lol!

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Enjoy it fella, you'll have an amazing day. My top tip, try and greet as many people as you can at the church. It was amazing after the day when my mrs said "I never even got chance to speak to this person and that person" where as I had spoke to everyone and it makes a difference.

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  On 07/06/2013 at 08:35, LRF4N said:

Reasonable force Neil? :lol: Jay that's today's biggest lesson. Time will tell if you use reasonable force or Laura does lol


You picked a great day for it!


lol Irfan, U better start getting your kilt on. Not long to go!


I'm gonna be sweating like an animal in full highland attire!

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Good luck! I got married this time last year and also was a 2pm wedding. I remember it was a proper rainy day and luckily the rain held off for the photos but that was about it. Totally different weather this year though!


One thing I will say is enjoy the day as much as possible as it literally flys by. And I mean flys, its a totally different experience to when you go to other peoples weddings!. I didnt actually enjoy my day at all much as you end up rushing about and dont get time to socalise much with guests. One minute your saying your vows, next photographs for a couple of hours, then meal, then speaches... it just flys.


Oh, and once you are married, thats it as far as bedroom activities go. Its all down hill from there. :(


Have fun!

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  On 07/06/2013 at 07:36, Jay said:

Well folks the day in finally upon me and I am going to be walking down the isle today about 2pm........eeeeekkkk. Excited and nervous all in one.


I'm sure you'll make a lovely bride :lol:


congrats and good luck :thumbs:

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