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Soft top roof problems


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Its common proble with the 350.


Id recommend getting some stormsure glue and sticking some leather patches to the inside.


If that doesnt work its going to be a new hood. Dont go to nissan as they sill charge a fortune

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I had the same problem and glueing the ripped bits helped for a while, as long as I didn't put the roof down. Eventually I took it to my local Nissan dealer, Brian Leighton of Howden, for them to look at. Whilst they had my car they decided to replace the roof without telling me what they were doing or asking me to authorise the work. Unusual move to say the least :wacko: Unfortunately, the third party firm they used to do the work obviously had little idea how to replace a roadster roof and when I went to collect my car (reeling with shock to see it had a new roof I have to say), I drove off the forecourt a couple of hundred yards, parked and put the roof down only to be showered by pieces of metal :scare: Even worse was to come when I got out of the car and walked round to inspect the roof and found two large scratches in the paintwork which certainly hadn't been there before as my car was pristine paint-wise. One of the scratches was actually a gouge and had gone down to bare metal :rant:


I have been in dispute with Brian Leighton garage ever since and my roof is still not working correctly as it has never closed properly since being replaced. Brian Leighton's did repair the bodywork damage they had caused and I stopped getting showered with metal every time I opened the roof but they have had my car back in for periods totalling several weeks and still the roof won't close properly. Ironic really as I first took it to them to see if they could glue down the ripped pieces of roof with something stronger than I could find because of wind noise in the cockpit.


Brian Leighton garage admit that the roof is not working as it should but they have shrugged off all responsibilty. I have 'phoned and e mailed Tim Leighton (one of the two garage owners) but he refuses to speak to me either on the 'phone or via e mail. His father was a very nice chap but his sons, particularly Tim, exhibit a level of arrogance that would have saddened their father. I have received a £500 warranty to use at any garage as a 'gesture of goodwill' after many months of taking the car back and finally losing my rag with them, and Nissan customer care have also given me some vouchers but I would rather have a roof that worked.


I guess I am saying that you need to think carefully about having your roof replaced if my story is typical (I have heard that other roadster owners have had problems with tensioning a new roof) unless you have some sort of warranty in place. Good luck anyway and it would be good to hear the outcome of your case. Keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

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