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:p:P You know its pretty good, young Samurai disciple, you have much to learn in the way of the signature of the samurai that zedrush has mastered :#1:
Give me till monday and i will show you a proper sig! :thumbs:


BTW - you have to come on Sunday so i can get some pics

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Who did your sig? Its crap :teeth:


Lol please stop with the complements lol. If you come up with a better one ive got an idea of an even more awesome one but I will need at least twenty mins to work on it, that will put yours to shame grasshopper :p;)


BTW photoshop is not my expertise im still a beginner, the next one I will do in full illustrator then you will have your work cut out louis. maybe make it in an animated sig :p:p:p

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you can't animate in illustrator


Pro's can, :p



you do all the set up in illustrator, layout artwork design


then you render it through image ready ;)


Illustrator talks to photoshop as its part of adobe, save as animated gif at 72dpi, just careful not to overload the colour blendings as gif cant blend very well.

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You lot lost me at photoshop!:blush::wacko:


Lol seriously mate its dead easy to learn you would pick it up in no time, just takes practise. I never studied it at Uni as my degree is major minor psychology and classical studies, but I started learning on the basic photoshop then spent more time with illustrator and the magic pen works wonders... I got an F in gcse art but on computer it doesnt matter if you cant draw it does it for you.


Also www.tutorialoutpost.com are where the pros tell you how to do certain effects on photoshop illustrater e.t.c. it becomes addictive after a while :thumbs:

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you can't animate in illustrator


Pro's can, :p



you do all the set up in illustrator, layout artwork design


then you render it through image ready ;)


Illustrator talks to photoshop as its part of adobe, save as animated gif at 72dpi, just careful not to overload the colour blendings as gif cant blend very well.


i'm still right. Image Ready is doing the animation and not illustrator. Illustrator is supplying the eps files and layered compositrions. :teeth:

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you can't animate in illustrator


Pro's can, :p



you do all the set up in illustrator, layout artwork design


then you render it through image ready ;)


Illustrator talks to photoshop as its part of adobe, save as animated gif at 72dpi, just careful not to overload the colour blendings as gif cant blend very well.


i'm still right. Image Ready is doing the animation and not illustrator. Illustrator is supplying the eps files and layered compositrions. :teeth:


smart @rse :p;) but I never said Id try do the animation in illustrater, read my comments.


Note from the samurai to Mike: Your actions are very quick young grasshopper, but your mind is too slow :p:lol::bunny:

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Hehe, its all about flash dude!


You wait for my nic animated gif that i am going to do! Plus, its going to be all OWN images, nothing STOLEN from the web B)


I got to admit I do like the effort and hard work you put in your own sig, you will have to teach me how to do that. How did you get the font Sl114 to appear on a standared picture? Genius :p


Guess you have to resort in stealing my ideas on animate sig louis, wheres your creativeness, isnt that plagerism on an idea, ah nevermind, if you need help pm me and ill help you through it :p;)


Damn you Mike, my dyslexia is my kryptonite ;)

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No i was going to do an animated one from the start mate, i just didnt want to give my idea away! :teeth:


Im more in to the less is more type of sig as i do not thinkthey should detract users away from the main purpose of this forum, but dont worry, it will be both stylish, funky and refined ;)

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:p:P You know its pretty good, young Samurai disciple, you have much to learn in the way of the signature of the samurai that zedrush has mastered :#1:
Give me till monday and i will show you a proper sig! :thumbs:


Great sig Louie you really showed me :p:p:p;)

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