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Sunday 13th May - Docklands meet


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Yeh definatly sunday, as have to take the woman out saturday night as punishment for not seeing her on sunday. Told her got a meeting sunday night :blush:
Ahh and the lies start! Not good dude :thumbdown:
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Hi mate weather is meant to be okay and dry... my brother has just got back from up north he picked up his 350z today 55 plate with 6000 miles black with 19" wheels polish lip black centre and tan seats looks fab.. he will be coming tomo night for definatly :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

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damn weather is too crappy to clean the car atm - oh well :)
Im thinking the same, may have to get the rally tent out from the garage, put it up and clean it in there! but part of me cant be bothered right now.


Met office says 6pm onwards will be sunny, fingers crossed

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Guys, I am really sorry but I am going to have to bail on tonight....just had the news that it looks like I am going to be an Uncle for the first time tonight!!!! Has taken me a bit by surprise as it's a week early!


Real sorry guys but I hope you all have a good one. Sorry to let you down but i'll def. be at the next one.

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nice to meet you guys tonight :)


sorry we lost you at the end Louis - hope you didn't look for us too long - it was gone midnight and we decided it was time to head home anyway ;)


now we just need the photos up!

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Hi guys really great seeing you lot some of the looks on peoples faces through the westend was awesome :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


Andy how freaky I became an Uncle yesterday too my sister gave birth 10 oclock in the morning yesterday boy weighed 8lbs 4.. we arte twins lol :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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Will get pics up tonight, they didnt come out that well as it was a bit rushed, but some are cool.


Nice to meet you all, I didnt wait around long, lost Ricky, Jase and Danny and then saw the time and thought i had better get back home. took me 15 minutes to get back from central London, ;) lights were in my favour. B)


Some nice ASW'ing by all and i'll get the video footage up later too if i can.



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had a quick look at the footage from my car-cam this morning, wanted to check if it was me or Jamie getting flashed by the speed camera in that tunnel - definately Jamie (so that's OK with his Gurnsey license!) :blush:

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