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Running a business

Sarah 350z

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So just out of interest who here also runs their own business?


I started a dog grooming business nearly 2 years ago, I still work full time I'm a veterinary nurse and do the grooming every evenings and Saturday mornings (not every sat morning) but what I would love to know is what do other people do to switch off and wind down? Doesn't matter if you run your own business or not what helps? I'm really finding it hard to switch off and get time for myself...


Sarah :)

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  On 13/05/2013 at 23:28, BulletMagnet said:

Make time for yourself, money is only money and no amount of it can replace your health.

Perhaps take a week off from the grooming and see if it helps


Very true, I had a very unhappy customer today as she had to wait 2 weeks for an appointment which personally I don't think is bad at all and i do ask my regulars to give me 2-3 weeks notice but known my luck the week I take off will be a hectic one! But your so right health first

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Wine, lots of wine :drunk: . . . :lol:


Its fairly easy to switch off here :teeth: Loads to do, and you dont have to go very far to have no signal . . so no bing, bing, bing of emails pouring in. Being a computer geek, I am finding doing something practical (toolbox) fairly relaxing. I guess everyone will be different in what floats their out of work boat :shrug:

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Your Slipping Tarmac - I thought you were able to help 24/7 :lol:



I play with cars to switch off from work and Love it :thumbs:


I'll be in the Zedshed if you need me :lol:;)

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  On 14/05/2013 at 07:23, octet said:

See you in a minute, Keyser :lol:


I belive him :scare:


Can't be that much more to add to your Zed now - or are we adding a turbo as well!!!!

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What :scare: People have time to work. :p


Think about it in a different way. If you won a load of money,you would use it to allow you the time to play.

That's what money is for,well what's left after the boring stuff.


(For me it's see below :teeth: and way too many other hobbies :blush: )

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I potter about mostly.


I know that might not sound very exciting but with an alarm that goes off around 5am and with lots of driving thrown in I really benefit from a bit of potter about. That being said the better half and I do enjoy travel, theatre, comedy, eating out etc. Nothing radical there I guess but it helps us unwind.


Something I managed to learn a few years ago is that you have to be disciplined enough to relax. Sometimes you have to say to yourself "I've got a couple of hours free, what should I do, I need to get that done, need to see this, need to go and sort those out...........actually, what I'm going to do is have a nice mug of tea and read for a bit and kick back."


We find planning our travels the best way of unwinding, doesn't have to be anywhere exotic or far away either. Another thing we've learnt is to make sure you have a proper break, weekends away are nice and sometimes just the job. However; nothing will beat that chance to get away, a week minimum, two if possible. We're not beach junkies, we'll always go somewhere with lots to see and do, either culture, history, art.....the odd bar and restaurant etc ;)


Its a cliche but its true, you're a long time dead. If and when I get the pearly gates and St Peter says "Is there anything about your life which you regret or wish you could change?". The last thing I'm going to say is "You know what, I kind of wish I'd spent more time at work...." it aint going to happen :D

Edited by Bockaaarck
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  On 14/05/2013 at 07:54, Bockaaarck said:

I potter about mostly.


I know that might not sound very exciting but with an alarm that goes off around 5am and with lots of driving thrown in I really benefit from a bit of potter about. That being said the better half and I do enjoy travel, theatre, comedy, eating out etc. Nothing radical there I guess but it helps us unwind.


Something I managed to learn a few years ago is that you have to be disciplined enough to relax. Sometimes you have to say to yourself "I've got a couple of hours free, what should I do, I need to get that done, need to see this, need to go and sort those out...........actually, what I'm going to do is have a nice mug of tea and read for a bit and kick back."


We find planning our travels the best way of unwinding, doesn't have to be anywhere exotic or far away either. Another thing we've learnt is to make sure you have a proper break, weekends away are nice and sometimes just the job. However; nothing will beat that chance to get away, a week minimum, two if possible. We're not beach junkies, we'll always go somewhere with lots to see and do, either culture, history, art.....the odd bar and restaurant etc ;)


Its a cliche but its true, you're a long time dead. If and when I get the pearly gates and St Peter says "Is there anything about your life which you regret or wish you could change?". The last thing I'm going to say is "You know what, I kind of wish I'd spent more time at work...." it aint going to happen :D


You know that sums up a lot!! I never go on holiday as I'm not a holiday kinda person maybe I should re think that...

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For most part I really enjoy what I do, like most things however it can get stressful and very tiring. I worked from 5th Jan to 23rd March this year non stop, no breaks, no days off for example. Fortunately that doesn't happen that often, thank god.


I guess working hard, pushing myself to learn and do things, putting myself in circumstances out of my comfort zone in terms of running my own business has been very tough in a lot of ways. Lots of work related travel, lots of targets (most self imposed), working in ever altering environments.....working with muppets :surrender: . I've had my fair share of luck though, and that has helped.


If I don't take a moment out every and then to enjoy some of the simple things in life. Be it a cold beer with friends or family in a pub garden, a weeks break to Venice with the better half soaking up history, a trip up to London to see a concert or comedy gig with a night in a hotel. If I don't do these things then what the hell am I working so hard for, what's the point?


I'm very, very lucky indeed, some of it I've worked for, some of it has been being in the right place at the right time. I run my own business because it works for me, as soon as it stops working for me then I'll happily do something else.

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Again your so right Bockaaarck!! Don't get me wrong folks I love what I do for a living but its just learning the ropes of running a business also while working for my boss full time. I just know I need to learn to chill out and relax

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I work 37 hrs a week (+ or -) for a Local Authority - but I run 2 businesses as well


1 - repairing computers - i tend to find that satisfying as its sort of problem solving

2nd - I carry out building thermal calculations for new builds and extensions etc - thats the one that allows me to run the car


to switch off - I clean my car, the wifes, the father-in-laws


unfortunately - doing effectively 3 jobs I have very little spare time, but thats ok, because I HATE sitting down and doing nothing - i even struggle to sit still and watch TV

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I have a REAL problem with this, to the point where it's now an actual OCD for me.


I run a mortgage business and have two ebay stores that sell around 400 items a month.


There is literally never a moment when I'm not working.


The main problem being that I work from home meaning there is never a time when I'm not working. I know people who have to go out to work think that working from home would be great but I'm jealous of people who can come home from work, turn their phone off and not worry or think about work until 9am the next morning.


I often get ear ache from the Mrs for working till midnight most nights of the week and very rarely do I not have a laptop attached to my lap. The problem that I have is that there is no such thing as having finished my work, there is ALWAYS something I could or should be doing!


I have to plan in advance when me and the Mrs are going to do things, and then when I'm not at home my OCD kicks in and I stress about whats happening whilst I'm away!


I'm going to portugal next week and I'll be taking my laptop with me. Bizarrely it helps me relax to be able to check on things as otherwise I'd be going crazy at the thought of clients mortgages going to pot or ebay customer question not being answered!!





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Not headphones, don't just put it on in the background, turn everything else off, open a bottle of your preferred drink, turn the lights down or off, really listen to it properly. Pick out the different sounds and instruments, hear for bits you've never heard before. You'll surprise yourself.


It won't work with rubbish pop, cos there's not enough nuance to hold your attention and it's usually incredibly repetitive. Anything with a bit of soul to it should chill you right out. It's basically free to do as well.

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