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Words fail me..........


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How to describe how awesome and lovely the folk are down at the Zed shed. They need an appreciation thread dedicated to them as they have helped out so many other members on here including myself with yesterday's discs/pads/Hel lines change over fun and games.


They dont need to do what they do but for some crazy ass reason they do.... As I always say im forever in your debt and whenever you need a hand just shout and I will be down.

It's a privilage to know you guys/gals down at the Zed shed, made some great friends :#1:


Will post pictures of yesterday on my build thread when the picstures have finally uploaded.



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I've already suggested we create a small team to lend a hand in the mini.


Any sanding it polishing I'm your man just let me know when.


This was mentioned yesterday and I think its a cracking idea, a mini weekend is a must. Sanding or anything I dont mind, I be a tea, coffee, donut feeder if I have to!

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I've often heard of the zed shed, but not sure what it is. For the uninitiated, can someone enlighten me.

It's where magic happens


Magic my arse, its pure unadulterated witchcraft :stir:



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Just saw this thanks everyone for the kind words :thumbs:



Humpy - you earned that beer in Wales ;)



@ Level 7 Boss - It's my garage nicknamed the "Zed Shed" see - http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/52595-if-you-build-it-they-will-come-update-26th-jan/



Me and Buster "Bolt" Bob we occasionally help out fellow petrol heads if we can :thumbs:

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Me and Buster "Bolt" Bob we occasionally help out fellow petrol heads if we can :thumbs:

To be honest, if you call this merely "helping out" then just wow Chris and Bob.

If more people had this kind of attitude, then this country would be in much better shape, TRUTH!!!

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Tell you what, if you opened a Krispy Kreme near Keyser, you'd have free servicing for life :lol:


And you'd probably be a multimillionaire :lol:


I blame Buster for the doughnut thing - it was nothing to do with me :blush:


Krispy Kreme in Tesco's near us shut down :(













They couldn't keep up with the demand :lol:

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