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Wheeler Dealers - Trading Up.


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I'm quite new to this franchise of Wheeler Dealer shows but enjoy the focus on cars rather than 'hilarious' and contrived Clarkson style japery. Brewer's a bit of a tit, but watching China working on the cars in the proper show is well interesting for a learner like me. Won't be bothering with Trading Up again any time soon. Keep the focus on the cars not the alleged characters!

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I record it so I can forward to the part where Ed does his bits to the car and too see how much they get for it in the end :fishslap:


Ed isn't in this one me old china :doh:




I was referring to wheeler dealer......... there's always one and it's always you :p


Fixed that for you :thumbs:

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Love watching this for the mechanics lesson, I have to admit to something , the last few cars I have sold I turned round to the buyer and said "put your hand out you just bought yourself a merc" it's such a cliche but they always smile,,obviously I have traded up for real, a good wash and polish with a bit of bodywork is all I have had to do, after 18 cars now have a z biut not selling it yet but when I do I'm a bit stumped on the next car, would like to end up with a super car, r8 or 911 type.

Trading up is a real let down, but as programes evolve it may lead to a good reality car programe soon.

Should have filmed all my long train journeys and then the drive home.


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