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Wheeler Dealers - Trading Up.


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AAAAAARGH!!!!!!! :rant::angry:


Is anyone else massively frustrated with this series already?


The list could go on and on, and probably will, but I'll make a start.


Finds dealer mate (that has also previously featured in Brewer's other series called Auto Trader as a convicted car mileage 'clocker;) with a Triumph Spitfire. It needs new foam in the seats. Brewer does deal, finds new seat foam on the internet, orders it, it arrives and is fitted - all in the same day? (He's wearing the same clothes).


Fits freshly painted gloss black wheels to the Land Rover - and uses the rusty/corroded wheel nuts which are now further highlighted by the fresh gloss paint.


Constantly talking about costs and profit etc in Dollars (appreciate the program was probably originally made for a US audience), but it's annoying.


Hindustan Ambassador - Imporrted to UK with Indian plates (obviously), then Brewer is seen test driving it on UK plates, then, supposedly 'later on' after advertising it and the buyers arrive, it's back on Indian plates. :shrug:


End of episode, when he drives his final purchase to show his dealer mate that he got the Spitfire from at the start of the episode, to say goodbye before he leaves the country, they're both wearing the same clothes as the start of the episode.


Rant over, however I feel not finished.... :stir:

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@ 14N


Thanks for the review - I saw the trailers for the new "Trading Up" series and thought that looks pants, so didn't bother with it, sounds like it was a wise choice :)


I may have to watch it now though just to see if it's as bad as you say :lol:

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  On 10/04/2013 at 07:56, docwra said:

Donkey raping cockmaster was one of my favourites :lol:


You've just made me LOL in the office - now everyone is looking at me and I'm still giggling like a girl :lol:

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  On 10/04/2013 at 09:34, skyinsurance said:


Going off on a slight tangent , it looks like Mike Brewer has his own dealership in Sheffield:



I heard that on here about a month back. I wouldn't buy from him. Ed china 'made' wheeler dealers. Mike brewers just far too cheesy and annoying

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  On 10/04/2013 at 09:53, The Chubby Ninja said:

Mike brewers just far too cheesy and annoying


That is Mike Brewer on camera though, he's probably a perfectly reasonable chap in real life.


Not sure why I'm sticking up for him through tbh, his over the top geezer hand-shake makes me furious! :lol:

Edited by skyinsurance
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I would love to know the 'truth' behind the scenes of these programs. I often wonder if deals are 'accepted' for the sake of the show?


i.e. Seller want say £7k for a car, Mike knocks him down to £6k "cos he's a wheeler dealer" and vigorously shakes the sellers hand, but has a different price been agreed and edited out? Stuff like that. We'll never know......


It is addictive viewing though.

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Hold out ya hand, he`s hot to trott.


  On 10/04/2013 at 10:09, 14N said:

I would love to know the 'truth' behind the scenes of these programs. I often wonder if deals are 'accepted' for the sake of the show?


i.e. Seller want say £7k for a car, Mike knocks him down to £6k "cos he's a wheeler dealer" and vigorously shakes the sellers hand, but has a different price been agreed and edited out? Stuff like that. We'll never know......


It certainly does. Theres a massive long thread on Piston Heads about it all, which sort of kicked off when on Wheeler Dealers they bought that Porsche Boxster for £1000. There was suggestions that maybe theres a "TV appearance fee" which they pay to sellers, but by all accounts, the prices they pay do seem to actually be genuine, but from then on its all pretty much very "creative" with the truth.


9/10 they do loads of extra bits to the cars they dont tell you - stuff like new tyres and other replacement bits. Then more often than not, the "sell" is totally fake. Its sold to a member of the crew, or someones friend. The cars they have done up very often appear on ebay or at various garages for sale for a long time without anyone buying them, even though on the telly you have just seen someone buy it. This seems to happen a lot more now than previously.

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I guess at the end of the day, it's television. It can be edited or broadcast in whatever way they want you (the viewer) to see it. It's not a factual documentary or fly on the wall reality like Corrie, Eastenders or TOWIE. :teeth:


As the dude from Sky said (Sorry, don't know your name mate), as long as it's all taken with a pinch of salt, it's fine. I do think that Wheeler Dealers (certainly Edd China) has given DIY mechanics more confidence to tackle jobs themselves.


I just found last night's episode more frustrating than usual for the reasons above. It seemed that the continuity team took the day off when the episode was filmed (and from the lack of change in Mike's clothes - it WAS all fimed in a day)! :lol:

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  On 10/04/2013 at 10:56, 14N said:

I do think that Wheeler Dealers (certainly Edd China) has given DIY mechanics more confidence to tackle jobs themselves.


I just found last night's episode more frustrating than usual for the reasons above. It seemed that the continuity team took the day off when the episode was filmed (and from the lack of change in Mike's clothes - it WAS all fimed in a day)! :lol:


Definitely. Im quite an experienced mechanic and I still enjoy watching Edd working on the cars, it has taught me a lot of about what to look out for on certain cars and things like that.


As for filming in a day... well, on a lot of these sort of car programs, they seem to work on all the cars in the series at the same time. Its as if they go out on the Monday & buy all the cars, then work on them in the week and sell them all on the Friday - as sometimes in the background in the workshop you see loads of other cars which are shown being worked on later in the series. Wheeler Dealers does seem quite good in that they either dont do this, or they hide the cars well enough so you dont see Edds workshop littered with other cars.

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I've been watching the discovery channel quite a bit lately, the advert for this program has been really doing my head in. Mike is an absolute tool, does anybody else just hate this bloke as much as me? I can't stand him, he spoils wheeler dealers and just generally talks absolute bull****. Like doc said, i'm with the sx boys on this, he shouldn't be allowed on TV.

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  On 10/04/2013 at 11:39, MartynB85 said:

Mike is an absolute tool, does anybody else just hate this bloke as much as me? I can't stand him, he spoils wheeler dealers and just generally talks absolute bull****. Like doc said, i'm with the sx boys on this, he shouldn't be allowed on TV.


Noone I know likes him incl myself. I think what annoys me most about him is that he harps on about how he`s been in the motor trade for 300 years and yet most of the time he pays over the odds for some shed of a car, never spots all the problems with it, then ends up selling it for a lot less than he thinks - very often making a loss on the car in the process.

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  On 10/04/2013 at 12:36, KC350Z said:

in the first series of wheeler dealer he brought a wrx off my mates boss was very funny brought car got down the road and it broke down :lol: :lol: just a pipe that came off they cut that out tho


That wasn't the one they fitted a new brake set up to and then put those 'lovely :yuck: signed' stripes on was it?

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  On 10/04/2013 at 12:36, KC350Z said:

in the first series of wheeler dealer he brought a wrx off my mates boss was very funny brought car got down the road and it broke down :lol: :lol: just a pipe that came off they cut that out tho


Think I remeber that one, they remapped it?


But Mike is always having cars break down - like that Fiat 500 he bought from some dodgy garage in Italy and it broke down 10 miles down the road and the Renault Alpine they got from France(?) which also broke down before he got too far down the road. They had to send Paul out with a van & trailer to trailer it hundreds of miles back to the UK.

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Edd China did make the programme, but even he ended up a bit Cheesy. How many folk shake there works collegue or best mates hand every time they see them?

Lets see how many cheesy phrases we can come up with from wheeler dealer!

1) well done that man!


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