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Need a new boiler - how do I find the best tradesman?


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We have an ancient boiler that came with the house and which I think is now on its last legs as the hot water tank has started kettling and today excelled itself by showering the airing cupboard with scalding hot water :scare: Time for a new boiler if it can't be repaired I guess :surrender:


I know nothing about the subject though and wondered if anyone had any recommendations as to the best way to find a decent tradesman? I live in what most people consider the back of beyond and it is hard to get anyone except cowboys (who presumably ride part way on their horses before getting into their white vans) to even come out and quote for most jobs. I was ripped off by a builder last year (had to pay someone else to put his mistakes right :angry: ) and want to avoid the same expensive mistake. I am not even sure what sort of tradesman I need to repair/replace a boiler. Do they call themselves heating engineers maybe? If so, is there a way of finding out how good they are before engaging them?

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I have been very successful finding people by using Checkatrade. You can search for the right trade then sort by people near to you or who have done work near to you or who have feedback from work done locally. Look for people with lots of feedback and very high scores. Also read the feedback in detail to see what sort of work they have done.

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I had a whole new heating system including radiators 2 weeks ago after my boiler let go. If you're surrey/london way I know a very good duo who are great on price and are perfectionists too. Get a combi boiler, we had one installed and its amazing, we've gained a full size cupboard from ditching the hot water tank and we've also ditched the cold water tank in the loft.


The only bit which was an unexpected issue (other than the boiler letting go!) is that we had to have a new shower as the water pressure we now have is too high for the old electric one we had.

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