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test drive

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hi. im on the lookout for a uk gt coupe. just taken a deposit on my 3.0 z4 so hoping to purchase soon. today i test drove a 04 coupe 77k very nice condition, but as i whent around a roundabout the back end stepped out and me having to give a bit of opisite lock to correct....eat your heart out stig. anyhow the wife was not best pleased and i nearly crapped myself to be honest. pulled over switched the esp botton on and off so it displayed the icon on the clocks so seemed ok. so pulled away quickly to try and spin the rear wheels with the esp on and the traction icon showed up and controlled the wheel spin. so is it possible to get in the car start it up and drive away without the esp being on or could it be a faulty esp???


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If the dashboard light is on then you have deactivated the system (well not 100% but enough to know about it)


Default is ESP off - it only deactivates if you manually operate the switch and yes it is likely to trigger the anti-slip light as well.


Sounds to me that you most probably did not give the RWD traction enough respect on the r/b, but it might also be worn/poor tyres/pressures/wheel alignment that can make a ZED very sensitive ;)

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And I do believe the Z4 is probably a little more forgiving when giving it the beans

Traction is on by default everytime you start the car. Id be checking tyres and tyre pressures. I never had any problems with my more powerful HR model stepping out!




I have budget tyres atm and its always stepping out, amazing what the difference is between budget rubber and decent tyres!

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