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New Alloys Advice.


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Hi all.


A have been informed by CS when he done my exhaust Wednesday that my tyres on my car looked a little odd on the wheels which were on the car when i bought it Jade R alloys 18 inch,Now the tyres on the car have been replaced because when i looked they were some cheap brand i had never heard of so put on what people raved about on here......Michelin Super Sports.


Then i came to this wonderful 350z forum and i asked a question as i noticed that the tyres on the front were 245 and on the rear 265,the question i asked was what was the correct tyre sizes for a Nissan 350z and was told 225/45 r18 front and 245/45r18 rear of which i bought.


Now guys i know nothing about cars and just enjoy something nice,but here lies the problem and obviously my stupidity as the tyres look a little like they are swollen if you catch my drift,this was picked up at the time by the tyre fitter who called his manager who then looked up the alloys and said they would be fine.


But after mItz comment at CS on Wednesday it has me slightly worried if I'm honest as this is the 3rd time someone has commented on the look of the wheel,according to Mitz i am looking for some alloys of around 8inch to 8.5 as he thinks these Jade-R are possibly 9 to 9.5 hence the problem with the way these look.


Its becoming a bit of a expense at the moment,New Super Sports,New Exhaust and now this issue,anyone selling some alloys to suit my car at a reasonable price then let me know because i know this problem is going to play on my mind.


Thanks all.


P.S although Mitz has explained it over to me by email i am still a little confused as to what i need to be buying if I'm totally honest based on the tyres i now have on.

Edited by trancematic
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  On 15/03/2013 at 00:36, DoogyRev said:

If your looking for new rims then :pmzmanalex: and get a set of Rays. They will fit that tyre size.



The tyres you've bought are a perfect fit for the Rays. It sounds like the wheels you have are wider than the standard sizes and the tyres are therefore 'stretched'.


If you can post a pic of your current wheels and tyres, I'm sure someone could confirm this.


If you're trying to cap the spend and expense, someone may even be willing to swap their Rays (or even a spare set) for your current wheels, then you just need to chuck your tyres on 'em.

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Dont want to state the obvious, but could you not measure the wheels you already have? If the tyres look "swollen" then they are too big rather than too small, surely?


Most wheels have their sizes stamped on the back, youll see a J or JJ figure, thats the width in inches and a number which is the offset. If you dont have these then measure from lip to lip, that number -1 is your width in inches :thumbs:

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No it don't work like that apparently,the actual Alloys are bigger than the usual Z spec which i think is around 8.5 inches so the tyre stretches to fit the wheels,don't ask me i know nothing about cars and performance i just like driving decent cars.


Not sure if there is a easier option of adding direct photo to this site apart from having to copy the link in your browser thats the only thing i seem to be able to find.

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I think you may of caused a little confusion when you said they looked 'swollen'. This (to me) gives the impression that the tyres are too wide for the rim. But from your initial post, it did sound like they were in fact stretched and the standard OEM sized tyres that you'd bought for your wheels had been stretched (i.e. made wider than their original width by fitting them to a wheel that is wider than the original Rays.


With your current set up, I'd say you have the following options if you're not happy with your wheel and tyre combo.


- Buy new wider tyres that fit your current rims and maybe sell your Michelin's to recoup some dollar.

- Buy (or swap) new/used wheels that fit your tyres and sell the wheels

- Live with the stretched look (which some like) until the time comes to replace the tyres. (I'm assuming it's not actually unsafe, otherwise your tyre fitted and/or Mitz would of said something). The tyre fitter certainly should not of fitted them if he was concerned they were the wrong size.


Regarding your pics, I/we can't see them. Easiest option for photo's is to create an account on Photobucket and copy the code into your post.


Ian :)

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"It dont work like that apparently"? Sorry, Ive only been running aftermarket wheels on cars for 15 years now, must have just got lucky, even with the 44 wheels Ive currently got in my collection. ##


Hopefully someone who knows more about rims will be along shortly, apologies for wasting your time.

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Firstly, I'm NOT an expert and would never claim to be. A lot of my knowledge has been gained from this forum and from people that know what they're talking about like docwra. I refer to your quote below:


  On 15/03/2013 at 00:20, trancematic said:


Then i came to this wonderful 350z forum and i asked a question as i noticed that the tyres on the front were 245 and on the rear 265,the question i asked was what was the correct tyre sizes for a Nissan 350z and was told 225/45 r18 front and 245/45r18 rear of which i bought.


OK, here's what I think has happened, as, under your own admission, you know nothing about cars and performance.


You asked the above question as you noticed the size of the tyres fitted to your car and were then told what the standard sized tyres were. You then purchased a set of standard sized tyres.


One importand factor missing is that you don't appear to of mentioned that you're running non standard wheels, that aren't the same size as the OEM ones. I think it may even be luck that you're current wheels are 18's - otherwise you'd of had even more problems!


Sorry if this comes across as being a bit blunt, it's not my intention. I just hope this helps answer why your tyres don't look quite right :shrug:

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14N that is correct in what you say,originally i just thought the guy had put wider tyres on the front and the back,but the tyres were in a bit of a state and a brand i had never heard of,so i looked on various websites and the size of the tyre profile for a standard stock Z alloy was the ones i have now put on the car not really knowing that the Jade-R alloys were wider than the normal.


I am not blaming anyone on here as i asked the question and did not mention the fact that it had custom Jade-R alloys on as to be perfectly honest did not think they were a different size from stock alloys,thats me having very little wisdom and knowing very little about the dynamics of cars.


There are plenty enough petrol heads on here who love what they do with there bits and pieces and know how and i wish my passion was the same,but its not and I'm not afraid to admit it,i actually get lost on this forum with all the upgrades and technical stuff going on.


I bought the car because i like nice looking speedy cars but when they go wrong then I'm not the man in the know and there are very few drivers other than dedicated Nissan 350z owners on here that know a lot more.


At the end of the day most people just buy a car and have very little interest in what works what and what goes where,but having said that it comes in mighty handy if you do know your stuff when having a certain type of car and this forum is a great place to be to get the answers.


When i bought the car the dealer said it had some nice Jade-r Alloys on it........To me it did not mean that in the future i had to put wider tyres on them.


Anyway at present the car drives really nice so i guess thats all that counts and if i see a reasonable alloy set a a nice price then i will change them.


KyleR i see a download feature at the bottom but i don't see any upload feature mate

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They do look a little funky :wacko:


Is rthere any chance you can get us a pic from the the other angle, ie, behind the the wheel looking along the side of the car so we can see the stretch of the tyre etc?

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What does poor offsets mean ? Sorry


And why do they look awful as i thought they looked fine......Goes to show how much i know if you think they look that bad


As for your there to narrow scenario that is not the case,the alloys are actually to wide hence the tyre stretching problem pointed out by Mitz at Cougar Store on Wednesday and several other observers.


I was told they were actually 18inch Jade Alloys so if you think by that picture they look like 17inch then i better get the tape measure out because i did not put these on the car and i have no information on these wheels apart from the Jade-R name.......Period.


Also take into consideration that when i bought the car it had 245 on the front and 265 on the rear,i asked what where the correct stock sizes for a 350z not really knowing at the time that the Jade-r alloys where a different size,so in my wisdom and the fact the tyres where crap i put 225 /45r18 on the front and 245/45r18 on the rear which i thought was correct not knowing that was the reason the guy had put the bigger sizes on in the first place.


Besides i wont have these alloys for long awful or not...........You have know upset my Zed and she is not very happy :drive1

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Poor offset isnt a bad thing really, a good offset depends on the width of the rim, e.g. 9.5" front and 10.5" rear both with offsets of 20 will make the wheel pretty much flush with the arches, which is the look most people want. The standard wheels are 8" front and rear (Rays have 8.5" rears) with offsets of 30, meaning to get the wheels sitting flush you need 25mm spacer on the rear and 20mm on the front. So basically a poor offset means you need a spacer for them to fit perfectly.


The look bad because around the rim of the wheel you can see what in my opinion is too much of the part of the tyre thats supposed to seat onto the rim to make a good seal. I have 10.5" rears with 275 tyres and 245 tyres on my 9.5" fronts and I can see a little of that seated part of the tyre due to stretch, but yours looks like what I would imagine mine would look like with a 245 tyre on the rear, i.e., way too much stretch!


Jack the car up and take one of the rears off and clean up the inside, it should say somewhere what size the wheels are on a sticker :thumbs:

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Thanks KyleR for the information think i will just try and get hold of some decent Alloys,As for the offset and Spacer thing you have lost me and i just want the tyres to sit flush around the rims,not bothered about all this Spacer stuff as i have seen plenty on here with handling problems due to fitting different spacers and tyre sizes .


Someone here said PM ZMANALEX or something regarding Alloys.......Is he a trader and has someone got a direct link.

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As I see it you've got four options:


1. Assume your tyre fitter is correct and the tyres are okay to use despite how they might look. Do nothing.

2. Buy some 18" OEM Rays from ZMANALEX, other forum member or eBay. Put your Michelin tyres on them and sell the Jade-Rs without tyres.

3. Investigate what size the Jade-Rs are as KyleR suggested and buy some more appropriately sized tyres. Sell the Michelins to a forum member.

4. Buy another set of wheels with tyres making sure you know they're suitable. Sell the Jade-Rs with tyres.


As you have already forked out for expensive tyres and want something that just works without affecting handling then I would say that option 2 is the best option for you. ZMANALEX is a well respected trader on here and normally has OEM Rays and other great wheels in stock, see his thread here: MORE WHEELS AND TYRES. :thumbs:


You'll find that most aftermarket wheels for the Zed are wider than the standard OEM ones so your current tyres won't fit them which is why I suggested the Rays. If you really want something different then go with option 3 or 4, there are plenty of people on here who can help you given the right information, you'll just need to do a bit of investigation into what you have or want you want.

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245 on a 9J isnt a stretch, thats what Id run anyway TBH, and a 255 on a 10J. Id add that from a bit of research they are either 8.5 ET35 or 9.5 ET20, probably the matter is a 245 is looking stretched.


What exactly is the problem here though, the tyre fitment doesnt look overly dodgy to me, if you think that looks "swollen" then you need a smaller tyre profile, not a bigger one ........

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