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Does anyone here blog?


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My husband keeps saying that I should write a blog to go on one of my retail websites but I am resisting because I don't honestly know if I can actually write :wacko: Obviously I can type words and I know that sentences start with a capital letter and often end with a full stop (although other punctuation marks are available :lol: ) but I have little faith that anything I write will be worth reading. I'm not sure if I should just launch into it and hope for the best e.g. that I turn out to be the next Oscar Wilde (unlikely) or keep dragging my heels and hope that he forgets all about it? :dry:

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blogging is the ability to spout random crap on a regular basis. your a woman so you're already half way there. and by the posting on here I'd say you have the other 50% nailed already.






just before anyone gets upset, this was said very tongue in cheek, and I enjoy your mums.net posts. as you can se ipost on most of them

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Ekona, no, I don't really want to write the blog but my husband seems to think that it would be a good idea because other websites all seem to have blogs :dry: Naturally, I find myself endlessly entertaining but, like I said, I suspect that I am not to blogging what the wonderfully witty Mr Wilde would have been were he still alive :(

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I don't blog for my business, but I do run a company facebook page. I can add text if I want to, but I generally just add photo updates of new stuff. I find a picture says a 1000 words, and people who are linked to it don't mind browsing a photo. but generally get annoyed with long text. people have short attention spans.

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SMD, I think we are all wondering what could be in your blog now and if it's actually worth murdering you?!!!! B)


rtbiscuit (is it wrong that I always want to call you Mr Biscuit? ) I'd forgotten about my business FB page. I haven't updated it for a while but I was getting a few 'likes' when I uploaded photos of new products. Thanks for the reminder. I'm off to take a look at it now and, hopefully, get it updated before the night is out :)

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Business blogs are almost universally awful. I struggle to think of any that add anything to the business at all, even ones I may actually quite find interesting. I say leave it, spend your time on other areas of the business instead. :)

Edited by Ekona
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Ekona, you have summed up my thoughts exactly! Who honestly wants to read a lot of boring stuff about my business? Even I don't want to and I own the thing :wacko: I will do as Mr Biscuit says and keep my business FB page updated with photos (no words needed) of new products and spend my time doing what I enjoy doing most i.e. designing new products and trying to win new business.

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SMD, I think we are all wondering what could be in your blog now and if it's actually worth murdering you?!!!! B)


rtbiscuit (is it wrong that I always want to call you Mr Biscuit? ) I'd forgotten about my business FB page. I haven't updated it for a while but I was getting a few 'likes' when I uploaded photos of new products. Thanks for the reminder. I'm off to take a look at it now and, hopefully, get it updated before the night is out :)

you can call me mr biscuit if it mkes you feel better, in my day job I get called sir. :lol:


if it helps you can check out my business fb psge, just search for rtcustomz on there and look out for my avatar on the left.

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I've got a blog page, but its mainly a place for me to put my writing rather than a typical blog. Some of my stuff I've even managed to get paid for.


There are also the posts I write for my job, so there is a mixture on there. In fact, if anyone has any feedback on my writing (the posts without pictures) let me know. I'm turning one piece into a full story, just taking me some time!



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Only do it if you want to, as someone previously said. It can be quite handy for generating traffic - what you write in it is irrelevant really as long as you write in the keywords people go googling/searching for. They then might stumble on it, then click the link from it through to your website. The more posts you put in, the more likely someone will find it. You could just write up say ten blogs which are relevant to your business, set up a wordpress site, stick em on there along with a link to your business webpage and then forget about it, just login a few times a year to keep it active.

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