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sorry for bringing this up but was mentioned on another thread and reminded me of last saturday up London in a phone box was an advertising for this group and I just dont get what fuels racism in such a sense. I mean if they wanted to get rid of other ethnics, I would have to leave for one, but then they would have to redirect there rage and turn on themselves. So those who wore glasses would probably be next on the list. Just dont understand what fuels them to have such beliefs

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I may join when they start beating up four eyed barstewards :p


:lol: sorry for making this thread just gets to me about how people can be such idiots sometimes. I know i go on about how many immegrants come over here,and how crime has increase, but my anger is directed to the government for making us suffer by increasing taxes to support these when we cant even support ourselves with NHS hospitals and prison overloads. My anger is not against the race of the people, but individuals whos mindset are warped. Like certain Muslim parties who live here and are offended by the british flag?????? so our local councel tells us to take flags down when the world cup was on.. Does not make sense but not against muslems as a whole for a certain group does not stereotype the whole race... But these people Nazi are just plain wrong and out of line. They should be imprisoned or something, when I went in the telephone box I just couldnt believe my eyes... apart from seeing Sarnies advert for gay love :p the Nazi advert was quite disturbing and made me wanna grab hold of one and smash em to bits for their ignorance

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