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Must be an age thing?


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Here is a first for me - I was walking down the hall at about 11AM today just on my way out to a site and I coughed - not a hacking cough just a clear your throat cough, 10 minutes later and I was just about able to get back of the floor!


I don't know what happened but a muscle in my back did something it has never done before and jeeze it hurt - still does I'm limping about the house with a heat pack on.


The wife said "you're getting old" :scare:


Think there may be a few years left in me yet but WOW I only coughed!!!!!!


Just thought I'd share as I can't go out in the ZedShed to play :(

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Meh I know I should but it's my only vice :innocent:


I spend my money on fast cars, fast women and tobacco the rest I seem to just waste :lol:


Anyway leave me alone I'm not well :p


Bet this was the last place you thought you would get lessons on life of what to do and not do :teeth: It's only because we care :blush:

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The Bitch is a far more addictive vice :D




That's about the most factual comment this week I have to say.


What's Bob going to do without his foreman? :shrug: you know that if you leave him in there with your array of tools there will be holes everywhere!!! :yikes:


Hope you get on the mend soon Chris, and don't worry about smoking you'll be fine :blush: (awaits comments from the gang)

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Lol, know how you feel, knaps in the afternoon have started jumping up on me recently.


Fractured my foot a few years back, mum (a nurse) said "at your age you know that isnt going to heal fully and it's likely you will get arthritus there because of it". .......ummmmm cheers for that mum, any other good news?

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If you don't want to give up the smokes then it's your choice matey. Don't let others bug you about it.


I've stopped and it has not fixed the two fcukd discs in my back yet............. :lol:


"Ones body gets older year by year........." And boy do I know it, but sod the pains I'm going out to sea tomorrow. :teeth:

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Lol, I'm about half your age and have to get my spine re-aligned each month otherwise my head falls off (slight exaggeration on the head but I do slump to one side and get headaches lol).


Btw I had to order more stickers bud, will post them next week for ya


"Half my age" was the slight exaggeration in that statment!!!! :p



Nice one on the stickers :thumbs:

Edited by Keyser
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