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you are a bigot/racist/sexist/homophobic if you question


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Been listening to radio phone ins quite a bit recently and have noticed this more and more. This morning it was about popes retirement and anyone who questioned the catholic faiths views on contraception etc were branded bigots by some guy who was official spokesman for the church. Last week it was gay marriage and basically anyone who did not agree was homophobic, one guy was even getting hate mail after he took part in a university debate. Week before was about gypsy travelers and yes the ones who phoned in with negative comments were branded racist.


I agree totally that discrimination against others is totally wrong but since when can we not enter into reasonable debate without fear of been branded as above.

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It's a difficult question because there undoubtedly are racist/homophobic etc people out there but to accuse everyone who disagrees with your point of view of being bigoted etc is counterproductive as it lets the 'real villains' off scot free. Er, is my comment racist against Scottish people? I'm getting paranoid now :scare:

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It's all about selective racism.


If you hate pikeys or dole monkeys, then that's fine. If you hate black people or gay folks, then that's bad. Even the terms I've used there, on purpose, demonstrate nicely what's acceptable and what isn't.



It's very easy to place the bigot card, but standing up to it is incredibly difficult if you're in the public eye.

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It is crazy that you cant have an opinion or have an educated discussion / debate on how you feel these days. Not everyone has to agree with each other .........but now I think if you challenge something or even question it, you can be put into one of the usual boxes i.e. racists bla bla bla.


I speak my mind and thats the way I have always been.

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I often get branded as a grammar Nazi, but I can't help but pick up on some people's writing in a manner that indicates that they have a less than acceptable grasp of English spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Pretty sure you don't need the comma after grammar. :p

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I often get branded as a grammar Nazi, but I can't help but pick up on some people's writing in a manner that indicates that they have a less than acceptable grasp of English spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Pretty sure you don't need the comma after grammar. :p


Sorry but you're wrong.

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It is crazy that you cant have an opinion or have an educated discussion / debate on how you feel these days. Not everyone has to agree with each other .........but now I think if you challenge something or even question it, you can be put into one of the usual boxes i.e. racists bla bla bla.


I speak my mind and thats the way I have always been.


I'm not acceping your opinion on the grounds you are colourist - You don't like GREEN as much as me :p

Edited by Keyser
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It is crazy that you cant have an opinion or have an educated discussion / debate on how you feel these days. Not everyone has to agree with each other .........but now I think if you challenge something or even question it, you can be put into one of the usual boxes i.e. racists bla bla bla.


I speak my mind and thats the way I have always been.


I'm not acceping your opinion on the grounds you are colourist - You don't like GREEN as much as me :p


He has got taste though (IMHO)

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I often get branded as a grammar Nazi, but I can't help but pick up on some people's writing in a manner that indicates that they have a less than acceptable grasp of English spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Pretty sure you don't need the comma after grammar. :p


Sorry but you're wrong.


I stand corrected.

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I often get branded as a grammar Nazi, but I can't help but pick up on some people's writing in a manner that indicates that they have a less than acceptable grasp of English spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Pretty sure you don't need the comma after grammar. :p


Sorry but you're wrong.


I stand corrected.


Yep you stanzed corrected.

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It is crazy that you cant have an opinion or have an educated discussion / debate on how you feel these days. Not everyone has to agree with each other .........but now I think if you challenge something or even question it, you can be put into one of the usual boxes i.e. racists bla bla bla.


I speak my mind and thats the way I have always been.



Scary thing is how speaking your mind can affect your life, the guy I mentioned who was debating against gay marriage (note was debating as in he was paid to debate on this at a university – so actually was not even his view) has had 100s of hate mail and people writing to his employer complaining that they are employing a homophobic bigot!

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It is scary but you cant live life thinking ohhh I wonder if I am able to say bla........ As long as you think about what you are saying first and are not being obviously one sided etc then I say you should be able to speak your mind. People dont have to agree with it or even like it. Freedom of speech and all that.


But GREEN is such an awful colour for a car.......especially a 350z :blush::stir: :stir: :stir:

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It is scary but you cant live life thinking ohhh I wonder if I am able to say bla........ As long as you think about what you are saying first and are not being obviously one sided etc then I say you should be able to speak your mind. People dont have to agree with it or even like it. Freedom of speech and all that.


But GREEN is such an awful colour for a car.......especially a 350z :blush::stir: :stir: :stir:





On that except the bit about green of course


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Radio used to have music at one point.... I remember the days, now its phone ins, competitions....shout across a car park at 9am for no reason...MUSIC thats all I want lol although I listen to my 6 CD bose...which seems to work just fine...unlike just about everybody on this forum :lol:

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