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I've stopped eating meat.


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Never going to stop eating Meat B) I have also never eaten a microwave type "ready meal" as such I know exactly what is in my lasagne :stir:


To all those people who eat a ready made microwaveable roast dinner or lasagne . . why? Its not difficult to make your self, or is it you dont like washing up after :shrug:

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I try to only buy meat from sources where the animal has (allegedly) been treated well. Yeah it's more expensive than buying cheapo stuff but I'm trying to have more veggie days so save money that way.


Bizarrely my local post office sells local meat from more ethical farms cheaper than 'regular' supermarket meat so I'm pretty lucky... about £3.50 for two large chicken breasts and tastes much better than Sainsburys stuff.


I do however love chinese food and of course you can only assume that it's cheap meat in that so I'm a bit of a hypocrite there although you can get some dishes with tofu in instead of meat. In fact Chinese supermarkets are a great place to buy tofu and a really tasty way of cooking it is to rub strips of it with salt, pepper, oil and chilli flakes and grill on a George Forum for about 10 mins...crispy on the outside and quite meaty in the middle. Damn I want some now!



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Ha ha, thought I'd logged onto a cooking forum by mistake Squee :)


I'm sitting (on my own 'cos I'm a Billy no mates today) in hotel restaurant hoping they don't bring quite as much food for lunch as they did at breakfast!!! My plate looked fuller after I'd finished because I'd sort of pushed it all round the plate. Trying to pluck up courage to try grits tomorrow. Bit put off by the strong resemblance to wallpaper paste - eek!

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Ha ha, thought I'd logged onto a cooking forum by mistake Squee :)


I'm sitting (on my own 'cos I'm a Billy no mates today) in hotel restaurant hoping they don't bring quite as much food for lunch as they did at breakfast!!! My plate looked fuller after I'd finished because I'd sort of pushed it all round the plate. Trying to pluck up courage to try grits tomorrow. Bit put off by the strong resemblance to wallpaper paste - eek!

Ah, you are in America.

Noticed how all the places offer you a box to take stuff home with?

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i never really got the idea of someone being veggie because its cruel? how far do you take it? cant buy a pair of trainers because there made of leather. or the seats in the car?


Humans are built to eat meat, so i shall eat it. horse and all :stir:

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I do find it entertaining when people stop eating meat because 'meat is murder', but they continue to eat fish.


I was a British Sea Fisheries Officer for Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency for a year on a patrol vessel and boarded countless boats.

Live fish are dumped on a hopper to asphyxiate, and the sliced open and gutted whilst still alive.

Dozens at any one time on any one boat.


But killing a cow or pig is somehow much worse?

Selective morals.


This whole topic is a non sequitur.

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I eat what tastes good. Where it came from or how it was killed has no bearing on whether it gets shoved in my mouth or not.



Also, I have just ordered a multipack of BaconSalt megaloz.gif


Chips that taste like Bacon :surrender:


You will be getting some of this next http://www.geekosystem.com/burger-king-bacon-ice-cream-sundae/ :scare:

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Just in from a twelve hour shift. Everything started ok until the wee wifey from the staff restaurant brought me round 2 rolls on bacon. I said "I've stopped eating red meat". She said "why" I replied "because of animal cruelty". She said " it's dead now and if you don't eat it, then it died in vein"!

So as a mark of respect I ate the lot, but that's me finished with it from Monday!

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I read the book Charlotte's web at primary school and I can't get it out my head now!

There are far too many problems in life nowadays. I spent all day jotting down what's wrong with everything. Life Is a whole lot easier when your getting punched about the head!

Edited by stuarty
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